Skippy the Kangaroo

Skippy the Kangaroo
meets Curry

Chick Tracks

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Testimony time

It is so encouraging and faith building when you here testimonys, on sunday Mile while at Church testified to the goodness and oportunity of the Lord with his beloved brother returning to the USA a changed man with new heart and vision. Dorianna Sgroi and Daniel also are experiencing tremendous oportunities and doors opening to share the gospel with others.
Brett who was healed of cancer miraculousy also testified to what Jesus has done for him. We are doing small steps but huge leaps with thankful hearts.
Monday this week, I escourted an ex client to WoyWoy to see her 74 year old Brother. The Taxi that took us from Annandale to Central station. Was an amazing journey, conversation with the driver was intially just banter then just before our arrival at our destination, the driver told me he was about to go bankrupt as he had lost his house wife and family to gambling he also injured his back. So I asked him if I could pray for him in the name of Jesus and he said yes. So I was stirred with great faith and prayed in the name of Jesus ect .

Be encouraged! to pray where the oportunity arises, do not be put off or discouraged if people
refuse you. That is there choice, but bless them in the name of the lord for the glory of the Lord.
And many more oportunities to pray will come your way.
Godlbless you


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Pioneering Mile

I want to encourage you today, Brothers and sisters to reach the lost does not mean to sit in your ivory towers of thoughtfulness and ponder lifes what if's. Its having the revelation in your heart about the finality of life and death. To have a burden past yourself to reach the lost and give those near you the oportunity to repent of sin and come back to Christ. We are living in the days where we need to close our ears to all forms of doctrine and get back to the basics of our faith in Jesus. Modern Christianity has disarmed the believer from the truth of the Gospel of Christ. I would encourage you to go back to the DHT and listen to it because each time you hear it, as I have said before its like a vacuum cleaner cleaning out and exposing all of those religious cobwebs. My brother Mile is such an encouragement he is constantly sharing and reaching people with the gospel, as is David and Daniel . To share life and the hope we have in Jesus, is such jewel of eternity into another individuals life. You never, know who you will meet. Mile has introduced people to our little church. Mile's mens prayer group on the mountain is been a time out with God and they are experiencing as men a tenderness and brokeness before the Lord. Daniels mens prayer group as well is experiencing amazing times.

Be encouraged press in there. Don't listen to your head listen to the spirit of the Lord and move as the Lord calls you. somethings are plain commonsence and other things are a time to wait on the Lord.

New Heart Saturday Fellowship

Hi everyone,

Our twice monthly saturday womens fellowship which has now become anybody fellowship is absolutely fantastic. We had the blessing of hearing Dorianna Sgroi share her most heart wrenching testimony, I will ask Dorianna to post it on the blogg. Its amazing how the Lord sometimes has to take us out of our comfort zones, which in essence we should not have to grow deeper. I know alot of you will identify with Dorianna as I did. Our time of fellowship and sharing was absolutely terrific, although our group was small it was a group of two new people visiting.
David,Dorianna,Graeme and Daniel Prayed for Nasia in the name of Jesus. Nasia asked for prayer re:cancer. We prayed with expectancy and ferver declaring the name of Jesus with great gusto and ferver. woohoo we will keep you updated.
Betty who we prayed for at the last Fellowship is continuing to improve daily with prayer support daily with consistency. John G Lakes said keep praying until change.This mentality is absolutely faith inspiring. Thats where its at.Impartation from the prayer to the sick in the name of Jesus works when we move "I" out of it. And see Jesus being lifted up and he recieves the glory. The lamb that was slain is due his reward.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Charles Spurgeon

Wisdom is the right use of knowledge. To know is not to be wise. Many men know a great deal, and are all the greater fools for it. There is no fool so great a fool as a knowing fool. But to know how to use knowledge is to have wisdom.
Charles Spurgeon

Please keep Simon Wilson and family in Prayer

Simon attended the DHT in Sydney with Reverend Curry Blake in 2008 , please keep him and his family in prayer. Simon cared for his wonderful mother on his return to NZ and just recently she has passed away.

We send our love and support in prayer from all of us here in Sydney.

Godbless you

Angelica, David, Mile, Daniel,Dorianna, Betty,Priscilla, Elvira and Patricia

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Wonderful Testimony from Doriana Sgroi in Italy

I want to give God all the glory.

So let me start from the beginning, on the 20th Oct my wife and daughter left for Italy for three weeks to see her aunty who is not well. One day in her third week there, her aunty had a heart attack and fell to the floor , In a panic she try to contact her cousin but the phone just rang out, then Doriana tried to find the emergency number but with no luck.

Doriana said to Olivia lets pray as they laid hands on for her aunty and started to pray within 30 sec her aunty got up and said I feel no pain the pain is gone.

Doriana was so happy to see that God had healed her aunty, she rang me to tell me what had happen and also to thank everyone who is praying for her while she is over there.

My wife will be back on the 10th of this month.

Thank God

Monday, October 5, 2009

Real Heart Fellowship- Cambletown Australia

A Sermo

Delivered on Sabbath Morning, August 15, 1858, by the
REV. C. H. Spurgeon
at the Music Hall, Royal Surrey Gardens

"Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved."—Acts 4:12.

T IS A VERY HAPPY CIRCUMSTANCE when the servants of God are able to turn everything to account in their ministry. Now, the apostle Peter was summoned before the priests and Sadducees, the chief of his nation, to answer for having restored a man who was lame from his mother's womb. Whilst accounting for this case of cure, or, if I may use the expression, for this case of temporal salvation, the apostle Peter had this thought suggested to him, "While I am accounting for the salvation of this man from lameness, I have now a fine opportunity of showing to these people, who otherwise will not listen to us, the way of the salvation of the soul." So he proceeds from the less to the greater, from the healing of a man's limb to the healing of a man's spirit; and having informed them once that it was through the name of Jesus Christ that the impotent man had been made whole, he now announces that salvation,—the great salvation, must be wrought by the selfsame means; "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved."
    What a great word that word "salvation" is! It includes the cleansing of our conscience from all past guilt, the delivery of our soul from all those propensities to evil which now so strongly predominate in us; it takes in, in fact, the undoing of all that Adam did. Salvation is the total restoration of man from his fallen estate; and yet it is something more than that, for God's salvation fixes our standing more secure than it was before we fell. It finds us broken in pieces by the sin of our first parent, defiled, stained, accursed: it first heals our wounds, it removes our diseases, it takes away our curse, it puts our feet upon the rock Christ Jesus, and having thus done, at last it lifts our heads far above all principalities. and powers, to be crowned for ever with Jesus Christ, the King of heaven. Some people, when they use the word "salvation," understand nothing more by it than deliverance from hell and admittance into heaven. Now, that is not salvation: those two things are the effects of salvation. We are redeemed from hell because we are saved, and we enter heaven because we have been saved beforehand. Our everlasting state is the effect of salvation in this life. Salvation, it is true, includes all that, because salvation is the mother of it, and carrieth it within its bowels; but still it were wrong for us to imagine that that is all the meaning of the word. Salvation begins with us as wandering sheep; it follows us through all our mazy wanderings; it puts us on the shoulders of the shepherd; it carries us into the fold; it calls together the friends and the neighbors; it rejoices over us; it preserves us in that fold through life; and then at last it brings us to the green pastures of heaven, beside the still waters of bliss, where we lie down for ever, in the presence of the Chief Shepherd, never more to be disturbed.
    Now our text tells us there is only one way of salvation. "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved." I shall take first of all a negative truth taught here, namely, that there is no salvation out of Christ; and then, secondly, a positive truth inferred, namely, that there is salvation in Jesus Christ whereby we must be saved.
    I. First, then, A NEGATIVE FACT. "Neither is there salvation in any other." Did you ever notice the intolerance of God's religion? In olden times the heathen, who had different gods, all of them respected the gods of their neighbors. For instance, the king of Egypt would confess that the gods of Nineveh were true and real gods, and the prince of Babylon would acknowledge that the gods of the Philistines were true and real gods: but Jehovah, the God of Israel, put this as one of his first commandments, "Thou shalt have none other gods besides me;" and he would not allow them to pay the slightest possible respect to the gods of any other nation: "Thou shalt hew them in pieces, thou shalt break down their temples, and cut down their groves." All other nations were tolerant the one to the other, but the Jew could not be so. One part of his religion was, "Hear, O Israel, the Lord thy God is one God;" and as the consequence of his belief that there was but one God, and that that one God was Jehovah, he felt it his bounden duty to call all pretended gods by nicknames, to spit upon them, to treat them with contumely and contempt. Now the Christian religion, you observe, is just as intolerant as this. If you apply to a Brahmin to know the way of salvation, he will very likely tell you at once, that all persons who follow out their sincere religious convictions will undoubtedly be saved. "There," says he, "are the Mohammedans; if they obey Mohammed, and sincerely believe what he has taught without doubt, Alla will glorify them at last." And the Brahmin turns round upon the Christian missionary, and says, "What is the use of your bringing your Christianity here to disturb us? I tell you our religion is quite capable of carrying us to heaven, if we are faithful to it." Now just hear the text: how intolerant is the Christian religion! "Neither is there salvation in any other." The Brahmin may admit, that there is salvation in fifty religions besides his own; but we admit no such thing. There is no true salvation out of Jesus Christ. The gods of the heathens may approach us with their mock charity, and tell us that every man may follow out his own conscientious conviction and be saved. We reply—No such thing: there is no salvation in any other; "for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved"
    Now, what do you suppose is the reason of this intolerance—if I may use the word again? I believe it is just because there is the truth both with the Jew and with the Christian. A thousand errors may live in peace with one another, but truth is the hammer that breaks them all in pieces. A hundred lying religions may sleep peaceably in one bed, but wherever the Christian religion goes as the truth, it is like a fire-brand, and it abideth nothing that is not more substantial than the wood, the hay, and the stubble of carnal error. All the gods of the heathen, and all other religions are born of hell, and therefore, being children of the same father, it would seem amiss that they should fall out, and chide, and fight; but the religion of Christ is a thing of God's—its pedigree is from on high, and, therefore, when once it is thrust into the midst of an ungodly and gainsaying generation, it hath neither peace, nor parley, nor treaty with them, for it is truth, and cannot afford to be yoked with error: it stands upon its own rights, and gives to error its due, declaring that it hath no salvation, but that in the truth, and in the truth alone, is salvation to be found.
    Again, it is because we have here the sanction of God. It would be improper in any man who had invented a creed of his own, to state that all others must he damned who do not believe it; that would be an overweening censoriousness and bigotry, at which we might afford to smile; but since this religion of Christ is revealed from heaven itself, God, who is the author of all truth, hath a right to append to this truth the dreadful condition, that who so rejecteth it shall perish without mercy; and in proclaiming that, apart from Christ, no man can be saved. We are not really intolerant, for we are but echoing the words of him that speaketh from heaven, and who declares, that cursed is the man who rejects this religion of Christ, seeing that there is no salvation out of him. "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved."
    Now I hear one or two persons saying, "Do you imagine then, sir, that none are saved apart from Christ?" I reply, I don t imagine it, but I have it here in my text plainly taught. "Well but," saith one, 'how is it concerning the death of infants? Do not infants die without actual sin? Are they saved? and if so, how?" I answer, saved they are beyond a doubt; all children dying in infancy are caught away to dwell in the third heaven of bliss for ever. But mark this—no infant was ever saved apart from the death of Christ. Christ Jesus hath with his blood bought all those who die in infancy; they are all regenerated, not in sprinkling, but probably in the instant of their death a marvellous change passes over them by the breathing of the Holy Spirit, the blood of Jesus is applied to them, and they are washed from all original corruption which they had inherited from their parents, and thus washed and cleansed they enter into the kingdom of heaven. Otherwise, beloved, infants would be unable to join in the everlasting song,."Unto him that loved us and washed us from our sins in his blood." If infants were not washed in the blood of Christ, they could not join in that universal song which perpetually surrounds the throne of God. We believe that they are all saved—every one of them without exception—but not apart from the one great sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ. Another says, "But how about the heathen? They know not Christ; are any of the heathen saved?" Mark, Holy Scripture saith but very little concerning the salvation of the heathen. There are many texts in Scripture which would lead us to infer that all the heathen perish; but there are some texts which, on the other hand, lead us to believe that there are some out of the heathen race who, led by God's secret spirit, are seeking after him in the dark, endeavoring to find out something they cannot discover in nature; and it may be that the God of infinite mercy who loves his creatures, is pleased to make to them these revelations in their own heart—dark and mysterious revelations concerning the things of heaven—so that even they may be made partakers of the blood of Jesus Christ, without having such an open vision as we have received, without beholding the cross visibly elevated, and Christ set forth crucified among them. It has been observed in many heathen lands, that before the missionaries have gone there, there has been a strong desire after the religion of Christ. In the Sandwich Islands, before our missionaries went there, there was a strange commotion in the minds of those poor barbarians; they did not know what it was, but they were all on a sudden discontented with their idolatries, and had a longing desire after something higher, better, and purer, than anything they had hitherto discovered; and no sooner was Jesus Christ preached, than they willingly renounced all their idolatries, and laid hold upon him to be their strength and their salvation. Now, we believe this was the Work of God's Spirit secretly inclining these poor creatures to seek after him; and we cannot tell but that in some sequestered spots where we had thought the gospel never has been preached, there may be some lone tract, some chapter of the Bible, some solitary verse of Holy Writ remembered, which may be sufficient to open blind eyes, and to guide poor benighted hearts to the foot of the cross of Christ. But this much is certain; no heathen, however moral—whether in the days of their old philosophy, or in the present time of their barbarism—ever did or ever could enter the kingdom of heaven apart from the name of Jesus Christ. "Neither is their salvation in any other." A man may seek after it and labor after it in his own way, but there he cannot possibly find it, "for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved."
    But after all, my dear friends, it is a great deal better, when we are dealing with these subjects, not to talk upon speculative matters, but to come home personally to ourselves. And let me now ask you this question, have you ever proved by experience the truth of this great negative fact, that there is no salvation in any other? I can speak what I do know, and testify what I have seen, when I solemnly declare in the presence of this congregation, that it is even so. Once I thought there was salvation in good works, and I labored hard, and strove diligently to preserve a character for integrity and uprightness; but when the Spirit of God came into my heart, "sin revived and I died," that which I thought had been good proved to be evil; wherein I thought I had been holy I found myself to be unholy. I discovered that my very best actions were sinful. that my tears needed to be wept over, and that my very prayers needed God's forgiveness. I discovered that I was seeking after salvation by the works of the law, that I was doing all my good works from a selfish motive, namely to save myself, and therefore they could not be acceptable to God. I found out that I could not be saved by good works for two very good reasons: first, I had not got any and secondly, if I had any, they could not save me. After that I thought, surely salvation might be obtained, partly by reformation, and partly by trusting in Christ; so I labored hard again, and thought if I added a few prayers here and there, a few tears of penitence, and a few vows of improvement, all would be well. But after forging on for many a weary day, like a poor blind horse toiling round the mill, I found I had got no farther, for there was still the curse of God hanging over me: "Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things that are written in the book of the law to do them;" and there was still an aching void in my heart the world could never fill—a void of distress and care, for I was sorely troubled because I could not attain unto the rest which my soul desired. Have you tried those two ways of getting to heaven? If you have, I trust the Lord, the Holy Spirit, has made you heartily sick of them, for you shall never enter the kingdom of heaven by the right door, until you have first of all been led to confess that all the other doors are barred in your teeth. No man ever will come to God through the straight and narrow way until he had tried all the other ways; and when we find ourselves beaten, and foiled, and defeated, then it is, that pressed by sore necessity, we betake ourselves to the one open fountain, and there wash ourselves, and are made clean.
    Perhaps I have in my presence this morning some who are trying to gain salvation by ceremonies. You have been baptized in your infancy; you regularly take the Lord's Supper; you attend your church or chapel; and if you knew any other ceremonies you would attend to them. Ah! my dear friends, all these things are as the chaff before the wind in the matter of salvation; they cannot help you one step towards acceptance in the person of Christ. As well might you labor to build your house with water, as to build salvation with such poor things as these. These are good enough for you when you are saved, but if you seek salvation in them, they shall be to your soul as wells without water, clouds without rain, and withered trees, twice dead, plucked up by the roots. Whatever is your way of salvation—for there are a thousand different inventions of men whereby they seek to save themselves—whatever it may be, hear thou its death. knell tolled from this verse: "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved."
    II. Now, this brings me to the POSITIVE FACT which is inferred in the text, namely, that there is salvation in Jesus Christ. Surely, when I make that simple statement I might burst forth with the song of the angels, and say—"Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will towards men." Here are a thousand mercies all bound up in one bundle, in this sweet, sweet fact, that there is salvation in Jesus Christ. I shall endeavor now merely to deal with any soul here present who entertains a doubt as to his own salvation in Jesus Christ; I shall single him out, and address him affectionately and earnestly, and endeavor to show him that he may yet be saved, and that in Christ there is salvation for him.
    I know thee, sinner! Thou hast long been trying to find the road to heaven, and thou hast missed it. Hitherto thou hast had a thousand dazzling cheats to deceive thee, and never yet one solid ground of comfort for thy poor weary foot; and now, encompassed about by thy sins, thou art not able to look up. Guilt, like a heavy burden, is on thy back, and thy finger is on thy lip, for thou darest not yet cry for pardon; thou art afraid to speak, lest out of thine own mouth thou shouldest be condemned. Satan whispers in thine ear, "It is all over with thee; there is no mercy for such as thou art: thou art condemned, and condemned thou must be; Christ is able to save many, but not to save thee." Poor soul! what shall I say unto thee but this—Come with me to the cross of Christ, and thou shalt there see something which shall remove thine unbelief. Seest thou that man nailed to yonder tree? Dost thou know his character? He is without spot or blemish, or any such thing: he was no thief, that he should die a felon's death: he was no murderer and no assassin, that he should be crucified between two malefactors. No; his original was pure, without a sin; and his life was holy, without a flaw. Out of his mouth there proceeded only blessing; his hands were full of good deeds, and his feet were swift for acts of mercy; his heart was white with holiness. There was nought in him that man could blame; even his enemies, when they sought to accuse him, found false witnesses, but even they "agreed not together." Dost thou see him dying? Sinner, there must be merit in the death of such a man as that; for without sin himself, when he is put to grief, it must be for other men's sins. God would not afflict and grieve him when he deserved it not. God is no tyrant that he should crush the innocent; he is not unholy that he should punish the righteous. He suffered, then, for the sins of others.

"For sins, not his own, he died to atone."

Think of the purity of Christ, and then see whether there is not salvation in him. Come now With thy blackness about thee, and look at his whiteness; come with thy defilement, and look at his purity; and as thou lookest at that purity, like the lily, and thou seest the crimson of his blood overflowing it, let this whisper be heard in thine ear,—he is able to save thee, sinner, inasmuch as though he was "tempted in all points like as we are," yet he was "without sin;" therefore, the merit of his blood must be great. Oh, may God help thee to believe on him!
    But this is not the grand thing which should recommend him to thee. Remember, he who died upon the cross, was no less than the everlasting Son of God. Dost see him there? Come, turn thine eye once more to him. Seest thou his hands and feet trickling with streamlets of gore? That man is Almighty God. Those hands that are nailed to the tree, are hands that could shake the world; those feet that are there pierced have in them, if he willed to put it forth, a potency of strength that might make the mountains melt beneath their tread. That head, now bowed in anguish and in weakness, has in it the wisdom of the Godhead, and with its nod it could make the universe tremble. He who hangs upon the cross yonder, is he without whom was not anything made that was made: by him all things consist—Maker, Creator, Preserver, God of providence, and God of grace—he who died for thee is God over all, blessed for ever. And now, sinner, is there any power to save in such a Saviour as this? If he were a mere man, a Socinian's Christ, or an Arian's Christ, I would not bid thee trust him; but since he is none other than God himself incarnate in human flesh, I beseech thee cast thyself upon him;

"He is able,
He is willing, doubt no more."

"He is able to save unto the uttermost, them that come unto God by him."
    Will you recollect again, as a further consolation for your faith that you may believe that God the Father has accepted the sacrifice of Christ. It is the Father's anger that you have the most cause to dread. The Father is angry with you, for you have sinned, and he has sworn with an oath that he will punish you for your offenses. Now, Jesus Christ was punished in the room, place, and stead of every sinner who hath repented. or ever shall repent. Jesus Christ stood as his substitute and scapegoat. God the Father hath accepted Christ in the stead of sinners. Oh, ought not this to lead you to accept him? If the Judge has accepted the sacrifice, sure you may accept it too; and if he be satisfied, sure you may be content also. If the creditor has written a full and free discharge; you, the poor debtor, may rejoice and believe that that discharge is satisfactory to you, because it is satisfactory to God. But do you ask me how I know that God has accepted Christ's atonement? I remind you that Christ rose again from the dead. Christ was put into the prison-house of the tomb after he died, and there he waited until God should have accepted the atonement.

"If Jesus ne'er had paid the debt,
He ne'er had been at freedom set."

Christ would have been in the tomb at this very day, if God had not accepted his atonement for our justification; but the Lord looked down from heaven, and he surveyed the work of Christ, and said within himself, "It is very good; it is enough;" and turning to an angel, he said, "Angel, my Son is confined in prison, a hostage for my elect; he has paid the price; I know he will not break the prison down himself; go, angel, go and roll away the stone from the door of the sepulcher, and set him at liberty." Down flew the angel, and rolled away the massive stone; and rising from the shades of death the Saviour lived. "He died and rose again for our justification." Now, poor soul, thou seest God has accepted Christ; surely then, thou mayest accept him and believe on him.
    Another argument, which may perhaps come nearer to thine own soul is this—many have been saved who were as vile as thou art. and therefore there is salvation. "No," sayest thou, "none are so vile as I am." It is a mercy that thou thinkest so, but nevertheless it is quite certain that others have been saved, who have been as filthy as thyself. Have you been a persecutor? "Yes," you say. Ay, but you have not been more blood-thirsty than Saul! And yet that chief of sinners became the chief of saints. Have you been a swearer? Have you cursed the Almighty to his face? Ay; and such were some of us who now lift up our voices in prayer, and approach his throne with acceptance. Have you been a drunkard? Ay, and so have many of God's people been for many a day and many a year; but they have forsaken their filthiness, and they have turned unto the Lord with full purpose of heart. However great thy sin, I tell thee, man, there have been some saved as deep in sin as thou art. And if even none have been saved, who are such great sinners as thou art, so much the more reason why God should save thee, that he may go beyond all that he ever has done. The Lord always delights to be doing wonders; and if thou standest the chief of sinners, a little ahead of all the rest, I believe he will delight to save thee, that the wonders of his love and his grace may be the more manifestly known. Do you still say that you are the chief of sinners? I tell you I do not think it. The chief of sinners was saved years ago; that was the Apostle Paul: but even if you should exceed him, still that word "uttermost" goes a little beyond you. "He is able to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him." Recollect, sinner, if thou dost not find salvation in Christ it will be because thou dost not look for it, for it certainly is there. If thou shalt perish without being saved through the blood of Christ, it will not be through a want of power in that blood to save thee, but entirely through a want of will on thy part—even that thou wilt not believe on him, but dost wantonly and wilfully reject his blood to thine own destruction. Take heed to thyself, for as surely as there is salvation in none other, so surely there is salvation in him.
    I could turn to you myself, and tell you that surely there must be salvation in Christ for you, since I have found salvation in Christ for myself. Often have I said, I will never doubt the salvation of any one, so long as I can but know that Christ has accepted me. Oh! how dark was my despair when I first sought his mercy seat, I thought then that if he had mercy on all the world, yet he would never have mercy on me; the sins of my childhood and my youth haunted me; I sought to get rid of them one by one, but I was caught as in an iron net of evil habits, and I could not overthrow them; and even when I could renounce my sin, yet the guilt still did cling to my garments—I could not wash myself clean; I prayed for three long years, I bent my knees in vain, and sought, but found no mercy. But, at last, blessed be his name, when I had given up all hope, and thought, that his swift anger would destroy me, and that the pit would open its mouth and swallow me up, then in the hour of my extremity did he manifest himself to me, and teach me to cast myself simply and wholly upon him. So shall it be with thee, only trust him, for there is salvation in him—rest assured of that.
    To quicken thy diligence, however, I will conclude by noting that if you do not find salvation in Christ, remember you will never find it elsewhere. What a dreadful thing it will be for you if you should lose the salvation provided by Christ! For "how shall you escape if you neglect so great salvation?" To-day, very probably I am not speaking to very many of the grossest of sinners, yet I know I am speaking to some even of that class; but whether we are gross sinners or not, how fearful a thing it will be for us to die without first having found an interest in the Saviour! Oh sinner! this should quicken thee in going to the mercy seat; this thought, that if thou findest no mercy at the feet of Jesus, thou canst never find it any where else. If the gates of heaven shall never open to thee, remember there is no other gate that ever can be opened for thy salvation. If Christ refuse thee thou art refused; if his blood be not sprinkled on thee thou art lost indeed. Oh! if he keeps thee waiting a little while, still continue in prayer; it is worth waiting for, especially when thou hast this thought to keep thee waiting, namely, that there is none other, no other way, no other hope, no other ground of trust, no other refuge. There I see the gate of heaven, and if I must enter it, I must creep on my hands and knees, for it is a low gate; there I see it, it is a strait and narrow one, I must leave my sins behind me, and my proud righteousness, and I must creep in through that wicket. Come sinner, what sayest thou? Wilt thou go beyond this strait and narrow gate, or wilt thou despise eternal life and risk eternal bliss? Or wilt thou go through it humbly hoping that he who gave himself for thee will accept thee in himself, and save thee now, and save thee everlastingly?
    May these few words have power to draw some to Christ, and I am content. "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved." "For there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved."

Sunday, October 4, 2009

General William Booth

“In answer to your inquiry, I consider that the chief dangers which confront the coming century will be religion without the Holy Ghost, Christianity without Christ, forgiveness without repentance, salvation without regeneration, politics without God, and heaven without hell.”

Quote from General William Booth.

Be of Great Courage!

Real Heart Fellowship in Cambletown. Sundays service was exciting as we began to worship and leap into expectant prayer then followed by the stirring message brought by David. We are seeing a slow but positive growth in our fellowship the greatest being our individual hunger for righteousness and our obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ.
At the end of the service David, Mile and Daniel leapt into prayer action. Sunday is everyday we should
always be ready to be pray and share truth and speak life into dead bones.
We are seeing results positive not only in those that we are praying for but in our own lives as we
allow and choose Christ over our own desire's, it is not easy sometimes. Be encouraged to stand firm in the faith and move forward, choose Christ over sin in every situation of your life and let his name be exalted and be given glory. Speak life into people who you meet and into those you love and let Jesus be glorified above all.
Success in Jesus is to die to self 100%

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Real Heart Fellowship-Cambeltown AU

Sunday service was such a time of expectancy, our journey to Cambletown was etched with the cool morning air, like an icicle wind. However, the meeting to follow was absolutely dynamic as you will see by the photo's we have added to inspire and stirr you up to move forward in Jesus name.
Angelica lead the worship and the Holyspirit did the rest even to the point of re directing David with his sermon. How can you possibly deny there is a God when he is absolutely omni present.
Mile opened the church in Prayer with an inspiring and awesome thankfulness and expectancy to the Most high God.
What followed was absolutely amazing, We were blessed to hear the powerful testimony of
Mr Jack Stanton as he opened his heart up to us and shared life eternal with us all.

David preached an incredible challenging and palatable message of hope and truth on the Powerful name of Jesus. Prayer for healing was a powerful time, Mile, David and Jack sprang into action in the name of Jesus. You could not deny the tangible presence of the most high God in the midst as they declared in battle mode in the Name of Jesus be healed!!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

New Heart home fellowship

saturday group though it was small
was filled with joy and expectation as we began to praise and give thanks to the Lord for all that he has done.
The presence of the Lord was so tangible and
powerful that all of us could not help but celebrate in the awesomeness and power of his might.

We then were blessed to hear the powerful and yet
tender heart of Daniel Sgroi as he ministered and testified of what the Lord had done in his life.
To share truth, breeds life eternal . Jesus being the center of all things.
David and Daniel, Graeme and Angelica and Betty all prayed and the miraculous occurred for Betty who original came to the group assisted into the room. Betty as we prayed in the name of Jesus and as David and Daniel went to battle began to walk stronger and stronger and independantly as we prayed , every step she took, we declared in the name of Jesus you are healed, in the name of Jesus. Daniel and David speaking to the effected area and declaring in the name of Jesus Knees you are healed and commanding stiffness to leave the joints in Jesus name.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Urgent Prayer Request

Dear Saints,
Please stand in the gap in prayer in the name of the lord Jesus, we have an urgent prayer request
for a 7 year old boy who was transferred to POW, Sydney, Australia. The doctors say his kidneys and liver are shutting down. In the name of Jesus, we say he shall live and he shall not die for the Glory of the Lord.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Real Heart Fellowship- Cambletown. AU

The birthing and launching of Real Heart Fellowship has been an amazing journey. The church is small, Our founding members are Mile and Dawn Sabljac and there two sons,Isaac and Max.
Congratulations to both Dawn and Mile at the birth of there wonderful new daughter Sophia. They are joined by David and Angelica Tremblay - Angelica leads worship. David and Mile are extrodinary pioneers in faith. Mile has started his mens prayer group which is held in the mountains in Campbletown. Davids bold and commonsense approach to the word of God and passion to see souls saved and healed delivers heart stirring messages that challenge the sleeper. Angelica has started New Heart womens fellowship which will be held every fortnight on a saturday. Guest speakers will be coming along to share there testimonies and to pray for the sick.

Real Heart Fellowship starts at 10 am every sunday Currans Hill community center, Currans Hill Cambletown.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

The devils jackals

The devil's jackals!

(Charles Spurgeon)

"One evening David got up from his bed and strolled around on the roof of the palace. From the roof he saw a woman bathing--a very beautiful woman." 2 Samuel 11:2

At that hour David saw Bathsheba. We are never out of the reach of temptation! Both at home and abroad we are liable to meet with allurements to evil. Themorning opens with peril--and the shadows of evening find us still in jeopardy. They are well kept--whom God keeps! But woe unto those who go forth into the world, or even dare to walk their own house, unarmed. Those who think themselves secure, are more exposed to danger than any others. The armor-bearer of sin--is self-confidence.

David should have been engaged in fighting the Lord's battles, instead of which he tarried at Jerusalem, and gave himself up to luxurious repose, for he arose from his bed in the evening. Idleness and luxury are the devil's jackals--and find him abundant prey. In stagnant waters--noxious creatures swarm. Neglected soil--soon yields a dense tangle of weeds and briers. Oh for the constraining love of Jesus to keep us active and useful!

When I see the King of Israel sluggishly leaving his couch at the close of the day, and falling at once into temptation--let me take warning, and set holy watchfulness to guard the door! Is it possible that the king had mounted his housetop for prayer and devotion? If so, what a caution is given us to count no place, however secret--a sanctuary from sin!

While our hearts are so like a tinder-box, and sparks so plentiful--we had need use all diligence in all places--to prevent a blaze. Satan can climb housetops, and enter closets! And even if we could shut out that foul fiend--our own corruptions are enough to work our ruin--unless God's grace prevents it.

Reader, beware of evening temptations. Be not secure. The sun is down--but sin is up. We need a watchman for the night--as well as a guardian for the day. O blessed Spirit, keep us from all evil this night. Amen.

Everyone needs a prayer partner

My prayer partner is the most extrodinary faithful woman of faith. Her name is Betty she is 85 years of age and we encourage each other through prayer and continually are finding ourselves going back over the DHT teachings. I cannot tell you how many times I have listened to the teachings but I am compelled to go through it again and again. Each time you clearer than before.
If you get to the place where you think you know it all, you are absolutely fooling yourself. Betty and I have found our methods of praying have changed and the good thing is we both are continually evolving into warriors of faith. I cannot believe how absolutely simple the whole teaching is. So simple infact and so commonsense that it confounds the theorys and methods that
have been indoctrinated into our beliefs.
I want to encourage you to go over the DHT let it become apart of who you are. Reverend Curry directs you straight back to the truth. I choose Christ woohoooo

Reverend Curry in South Africa

Hi everyone,
Great News! Reverend Curry and his beautiful wife Dawn are drawing near to there month long trip in South Africa. Its been an intense ministry and training and equipping time. Please keep them in prayer. Its exciting to see them moving out just like we are.
I wanted to share a great blessing with you. My husband David and I were in Modesto California where we were given the oportunity to minister. David prayed for a man who had a serious problem and was allergic to ice cream and all of those goodies. After David prayed for him, its been over a month now he has been making up lots of time and eating everything he could not enjoy.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

News from USA

Hi everyone, I have some really exciting news to tell you. I am continually practicing what we have learnt through the DHT and have found it extremely invaluable wisdom as I travel across this amazing land.
The opportunity to pray for people with this new powerful (heart revolutionary) understanding of the truth. Is both exciting and challenging, challenging in the respect I have to constantly renew my mind with the word of God. And I keep listening to the DHT. The importance and strategic equipping for spiritual warfare is determination, faithfulness and absolute obedience to the word of God with out wavering. I have had opportunity to pray for people and have had results
that are so amazingly to God be the Glory. A lady that I prayed for in Pasedena, who was suffering from a terrible knee and hip ailment for over three years, with in minutes was able to
bend her knee and straightened her back up. I realize praying for an individual and speaking great faith importation shatters the impossibilities turning them into God Glorified reality. I can wait to pray for more people now my head is in a far better place with the word. I would encourage you to listen to the DHT or Swat as much as you can. The course is like diamond
of great value the more you polish it the more it shines. Be encouraged, keep pressing in there
choose Christ above all to be pliable in his hands for His Glory.
I am absolutely loving travelling across this amazing country. I had a great ministry time in Coleman Texas and have been invited back there, stopped in Phoenix, El Paso and spent time in Pasadena. I am in Pahrump which is out of Las Vegas joined with my husband David and spent time with my father in law and heading up to San Francisco then going to Seattle . Will be singing in Pasadena and LA before returning.
Please keep an eye on Youtube and watch Curry online .

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Family of the Lord is borderless- Smiles from Torquay

I Was
priviledged to sing to the Prime Minister of

Vanuatu Mr Edward Natabe at the International

Prayer Assembly 2009 In Espiritus Santos Vanuatu. I met extroadinary people there with

the most transparent powerful faith. One older Lady I met just absolutely took my heart, Although the language barrier was at times trying the ability to hear the Holyspirit so strongly was just awesome. I realized there are

no barriers in Jesus. Communication belongs to him all we have to do is listen and do what is required of us.

Ihave a wonderful cheery Photo of Carol James,

Fiona Z and Paul and his wife. Fiona our wonderful host and my agent for Victoria we experienced a tremendous day of fellowship.

The miracle of love has no borders, and when you meet people who have been impacted with the truth, there is no yesterday in there lives they are people of destiny who keep walking forward through it all.

Jesus draws his family.:)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Video of Reverend Curry added to the site

Hi everyone,
Get excited you can click on the video on the site and watch Curry. This is so exciting.
Godbless you

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Bob in Brisbane with a report of what we are doing .......

I found Curry Blake's 'Divine Healing Technicians Training Course' on the website where I go to download testimonies that I copy onto discs and give away.

I had heard of John G. Lake, had been given a little to read and knew him to be one of the healing evangelists that had lived in the earlier part of last century, beond that I knew very little.

As I commenced listening to the DHT course I thought that it would be very easy to find scripture that Curry was using out of context or twisting to make his own points.

I had become (I thought) quite good at picking a scam after 20 odd years since my experience with the Lord Jesus, I had no doubt that Jesus was who He said He was and I thought that I had done well in understanding His word (the bible) and had not allowed myself to be led aside by incorrect and/or deceitful teaching.

I was wrong: about half an hour into the first session I found that Curry was bringing up points and principals that I knew to be right - at that point I had to admit to myself that I had spent most of my christian life - (to say the least) - confused.

Over the years I had prayed for many for deliverance and seen them set free but had not equated that same principal to healing. Since I have commenced praying for people to be healed, using the principals/methods that Curry explains I have been astounded at the results.

The first man had walking trouble, I commanded the pain to leave him and asked him to walk across the room. He did this and then virtualy ran back, thanking me, grabed my hand and shook it. I stood there a bit like - 'bewildered' - I had not even tried.

I have seen the pain that remains after a dose of shingles removed immediatly, pain in my wife's knee removed after she had suffered with it for about 15 years, carpel tunnel pain in a man's wrist went within a week.
When I asked a friend how his knee was (had prayed for it previously) he said "Oh that's fine but my ankle is giving me trouble"

I realise that very often people do not notice that they are actualy healed.

We all notice pain when it is present: but: the absence of pain is just that - the absence of pain.

Remember that Jesus Christ is the same today as He was yesterday and He will be no different tomorrow.


Monday, May 18, 2009

About Curry Blake

Hi everyone, Just wanted to let you know Reverend Curry Blake will not be in Australia this year but exciting things are happening. He will be comencing a bible College this year also there will be held on 24th-27th of June there will be a John G Lake international conference being held in Denver Colarado. For more info please contact me direct.

Our little team in Sydney are praying we will be able to attend this conference. I have included a photo of Curry Preaching in the Italian Church in Sydney 2008.
Real Heart Fellowship which was started approximately 5 weeks ago is powering on. We look forward to sharing more indepth with you soon.
Bob of Brisbane will be adding more testimonies to the page soon
as he and his wife Babara are seeing the Lords blessings as they go forward.
Godbless you

More news!! Bob of Brisbane

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Launching of "Real Heart Fellowship" Cambletown

Hello everyone,

The opening of our new seed fellowship was greeted with much anticipation and excitement. The opening day was destined for the 12th by Mile without realizing it was Easter Sunday. That was amazing. Mile and David obedience to the call and direction of the Lord has been the catalyst for this move, there planning and excitement witnessed by there wives. The meeting began with Mile introduction .There was amazing worship and David preached a great Sunday morning message on the Easter Sunday followed by Brett who is lovingly called Bretty Hinn is the result of Mile and David praying for him in a hospital and him being healed of an agressive tumour. I will do an update on this testimony for you soon. Brett testimony was powerful and totally exhalting the name of the Lord. As a result of his healing, Brett accepted Jesus as his personal Saviour. Sunday was the first time I believe he had been in a church.

I understand so much clearer the rejoicing in the heaven's when a sinner repents and choose's life eternal with Jesus.
Godbless you

drop in a visit with us if you are over in Cambletown at 10 am in the morning.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I asked a question about evils of religious behaviour and got a fantastic response from AWM

Dear Angelica,

Andrew does not comment on the ministries of others. We do not know these people nor their doctrine.

We do have some pretty strong opinions about so called ‘spiritual warfare’ which we will share with you.

The topic of 'spiritual warfare' has led to many erroneous teachings and activities that have diverted the Body of Christ away from its primary call of preaching the gospel. For some reason, many fine Christians feel that Jesus' redemptive work on the cross was not enough, and they must add to it or complete it by waging war against the enemy. This is simply not Biblical.

To imply that we must ask forgiveness for 'the sins of the fathers' would mean that Jesus did not bring forgiveness to the entire human race through His sacrifice and His blood. Can you name one sin that was not included on the cross? Jesus was made sin! (2 Cor. 5:21) He was made a curse! (Gal. 3:13) And God reconciled Himself to the entire world and is not imputing our sins against us (2 Cor. 5:19).

All principalities and powers were spoiled by Jesus (Col. 2:15) and He has translated us from the kingdom of darkness into His own kingdom (Col. 1:13).

There are no more principalities to defeat and there are no more sins to atone for. Jesus has completed redemption for mankind and God has reconciled Himself to us and does not see our sin. The judgment for sin was paid by Jesus.

For that reason Jesus proclaimed,

All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.
19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen. (Matt. 28:18-20)

Jesus did not tell us to go attack principalities and powers, nor to ask forgiveness for the sins of our forefathers. He told us that He had all power and authority and we were to go and preach. It is so simple but we have had to make it complicated.

The 'wrestling' mentioned in Ephesians 6 has nothing to do with an offensive attack against heavenly principalities. It is speaking of a defensive preparation against temptations against our flesh here on the earth. The 'strongholds' mentioned in 2 Cor. 10, are not demons but rather thoughts, concepts, philosophies, superstitions, political beliefs, customs, etc., that go against the Word of God. They can only be brought down by the preaching of the Word.

What is clear from the New Testament is that there is no evidence whatsoever, nor any instruction that reveals a spiritual war in high places that requires our strategic prayer and intercession. Jesus never sent forth intercessors to prepare the way for His message. He sent his disciples to preach the gospel, heal the sick and cast out demons. Jesus never indicated that some regions wouldn’t receive Him because of demonic principalities, and therefore they must first be torn down before the gospel could be preached. He told his disciples to shake the dust from their feet and move to the next village if they were not received. So much for blaming demons for men’s hardness of heart!

Paul never prayed to identify the strongman over a city or region. He simply preached the gospel and let the chips fall where they may. At times he was received with gladness and other times he was stoned. No mention was made of the “stronghold” that must be torn down. No intercessory prayer group was formed to attack these powers so that Paul could be invited back to town.

What Jesus did commission the church to do was preach the gospel.

18 “And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. 19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: 20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.” Matt. 28:18-20

All power (authority) was given unto Jesus in heaven AND in earth. In other words, there is no realm that is not subject to His authority. Therefore, we are authorized and empowered to take the gospel to all nations regardless of principalities, strongmen and strongholds. The authority of those “powers” has been defeated.

“And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it.” Col. 2:15

These are the same principalities and powers so often referred to in Ephesians 6. If Jesus has “spoiled” these powers, and if “all authority” has been given Him in heaven and in earth, and if He has commissioned us to “go into all the world and preach the gospel,” then it can be assumed that the only resistance we have to deal with is an earthly resistance comprised of the strongholds in the minds of men and the fiery darts of an enemy who has been defeated and spoiled.

But with the weapons of our warfare, we have been equipped for victory. Much time and prayer has been spent fighting an enemy by “binding” him in his heavenly abode, when in fact it is his earthly activities of lies and temptations that we have been equipped to tear down. And much time has been lost that should have been spent going into all the world and preaching. But, praying “strategically” sounds so much more romantic than actually preaching to the lost and healing the sick. You can stay at home and do “strategic warfare,” but you must leave the prayer room and go to the nations if we are to fulfill the Great Commission.

Unfortunately modern teaching would have us attack the heavenly powers first before feeling that we can preach the gospel with any effectiveness. This is not the New Testament pattern. There are two results from this line of thinking: 1) Men are not considered responsible for their hardness of heart. It’s the devil’s fault; and 2) Our lack of effectiveness in healing the sick and setting the captives free isn’t our fault either. We just need to tear down some more strongholds in prayer and maybe then we can see a revival. We believe this to be an error that has sidetracked the church from its true calling and commission.

Perhaps this will help you.

In accordance with Matthew 18:19, we set ourselves in agreement with you and release our faith with yours that these needs are met according to God’s perfect will.

We have prayed according to Romans 8:26, “Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.”

We encourage you to remember Hebrews 10:35, “Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompense of reward.” Also remember Hebrews 6:12, and be “followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises.”


Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the
knowledge of God and our Lord Jesus Christ (2 Peter 1:2)

Encouragement Dept.
Andrew Wommack Ministries

Thursday, March 26, 2009

From Bob Black Queensland to Daniel

............ for the discs !

Wow, I thought it must have been my birthday.

Thank you very much for doing that for me, much appreciated.

Have listened to one of Curry's - just about drove "badly" - we were in the car and was straining to hear and understand at the same time.

and the one with the healing scriptures, have played that at night when I went to bed.

Had a couple of painful days last week - but - I am starting to get the hang of what is going on.

Today, awoke with virtually no soreness, I reckon that the devils think that they can take me for a sucker - boy! am I starting to get their number.

Last week there were 4 people who said to Barbara or myself that they were 'impressed'/'could not believe' how positive and joyful I was - wow - it does one good to hear such things, I knew that I am getting a good grip on the handle, but did not realise that it was showing.

Went to visit Lindsay on Friday, prayed for him and his wife also, she had been told that morning that she had high blood pressure - she was in a bit of a spin.

David (our grandson) has had results of a blood test taken last week in Cairns, was thought that he had Dengue Fever which is running rampant up there this summer - turns out he has Ross River Fever - maybe not as bad - but - still is not on the list of desired health issues.

Once again - Thanks!

Blessings to you and yours in Jesus Name
Stay out of the rain!



God so loved the world that He gave His only son so that all whobelieved in Him would not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Letter to Dawn Blake from Curry

We are in our second set of meetings.We are in Medan (northern Indo.)The meetings are going great.We've trained over 300 pastors so far...Pastor Steven has made arrangements for me to meet with Jonathan David.He is the top guy in this part of the world and he asked to meet with me.The other day we were at a local mall and a microburst hit.It is like a hurricane condensed down to a small area but with the same force.Like a tornado but without a funnel.It broke out the glass windows and doors of the mall and sent glassand debris everywhere.John was with Pastor Steven in a Starbucks and I was with Tim in the hallway.When the windows broke it cut John and Ps. Steven slightly.The wind was so strong it threw chairs and trashcans through the mall.It tore off the steel poles in the parking lots and ripped trees outof the ground.Everyone started running away leaving children screaming and crying.John jumped on one little boy and held him down to keep him from beingblown away.Tim and I started moving toward the area where the most damage was happening.We had to fight through the crowd. Tim started commanding the storm to stop.I went into the stores where the storm was hitting.The wind stopped shortly after Tim commanded it to.We helped several people out of the stores. It was still raining hardand people were still screaming and running.When it all died down we went back to the hotel and all along the wayit looked like a war zone.We all felt like we were targeted.We had just finished the first series of meetings and the enemy wasacutely aware of what we were doing there and it's results.
Well gotta go.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

from Brisbane

.......... from Brisbane to say Hi!


A quick note to let you know that I am doing well, had a victory last weekend.

I probably got mad enough with the pain in my leg to move the 'mountain' that
was in the way.

This week I have had virtually no pain in my thigh or hip, muscles still weak and I am building them gradually - too much produces tightness and the pain that I remember from years ago when I had done too much work or climbed too many stairs.

Lindsay was in hospital for 6 days, was taken bad with gall bladder trouble and rushed in and operated on [I think: almost immediately]

Went to visit him yesterday and he was just being discharged, had a coffee and prayed for him and his wife before he left the hospital. Will visit him next week.


now a question

I prayed for a man the other night, he had what appeared to be carpal tunnel trouble in one wrist.

He was not healed right away and I have heard nothing more from him.

Now the 'Q'

The next day [yesterday] I had a similar pain in my wrist [the left, not the right as his was] I told it to go and after spending a little time it was gone only to reappear a short time later.

I rebuked it again and after a shorter time it went only to reappear again - same procedure perhaps a dozen times - at the end it was like a persistent nuisance that just kept coming back and poking me [there was a kid at school who was like that, a real pain in the neck]

Anyway after a number of these reappearances I just had to say [almost silly] things like "I know you are there" & "Git" & "I'm feed up with you" and it would go away for a little while before coming back in slightly different positions on/in my wrist.

At some point it stopped returning & today there has been no sign of it.

Any ideas????

I know some people say the The Lord leads them to 'words of knowledge??' with pains in their bodies.

I have never subscribed to this as I see no suggestion in The Word that it would be a legitimate manifestation.

Seems to me that a word of knowledge would be just that, an understanding from the voice of the Holy Spirit.

The best is yet to come :: !


Monday, March 9, 2009

JGL Ministrie's Newsletter

Greetings in the name of the Lord,

Everytime I read a newsletter sent out by Reverend Curry Blake, I feel like a rocket launcher, ignited by the Holyghost and everything is such commonsense biblical teaching. His latest Newsletter is like an atom bomb to blow the cobwebs of religiousity right out of your head. Get excited about equipping for eternity. Everything, Curry is targetting and addressing in this newsletter excite's me because I was a fool who allowed alot of those wrong teachings into my life and colour my perception of the truth and became a passive believer. Now I am lethal, armed and pressing forward for the glory of the Lord. Equipping in my heart to fight and stand firmly without wavering with the Master commander Jesus Christ. Curry is doing an intensive training school in Dallas. Our little amiegoe team would just love to go there wooohooooo. hallelujah. If you are not already recieving the newsletter please go and sign up for it.
John G Lake Ministrie's. I myself have become the target of many challenging conversations re the bible and Healing. Two things happened, one I loved the challenge and two I realised how unequipped I was and it exposed the need .. which I am so thankful for ..1. to repent of slackness and to fired me up to emerse my self deeper in the Word of God. Is'nt that great. I want less of me and more of Jesus in every part of who I am. The word engraved in our hearts and renewing our mind daily empowers us to walk with confidence unshaken by challenge. Wooohooo I am
so excited. Press forward in Jesus Name.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Excitement in the Ranks!

Hi everyone, I just spoke with Enzo our national Co-ordinator for John G Lake Ministries in Australia and New Zealand. Reverend Currys trip is going to be amazing. So keep your eye to the post and we will be letting you know the locations and the times asap.

He will be doing both the Swat and the DHT course in Australia this year.

Thats going to be fantastic. This is spiritual bootcamp training and equipping in the nicest possible way.
Godbless you

Monday, March 2, 2009

Praise report from Queensland trip.

Hello angelica, yesterday was fantastic. Jeremy thought it was great too and had a good chat to Mile and will stay in contact. it is so good to see other peaple doing what we know we should be doing and now we are getting familiar with currys manual so are confident to do it. Our pastor who listens to curry and told us too liked it. i wish we could have stayed longer but nine hours plus a couple driving, was about the limit for one day.
I have had no pain since yesterday morning and i can now clear my mind of negative thoughts by renewing it with the word of god. If you here from anyone who needs prayer on the gold coast, i would like to go and pray for them. I really appreciate your help and encouragement to go yesterday. I will stay in touch
love ellie

Hello , praise the lord i am feeling much better, ive had a few "tingles" i call them opposed to pain, but the major healing is my mind, i can fight of the last of these symptoms with no fear. I am reading the manual everyday and thanking the Lord, will let you know how i am going. love ellie
On Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 7:16 PM

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Awesome time

We just returned from a great time of teaching and preaching the word of God in Brisbane. Ten hours of going through the message of freedom to the captives and healing to the sick, coupled with our authority as a believer (DHT stuff).
It was a great time meeting everyone and working with the amigos again. Thanks amigos!

There is going to be a new ministry starting in the Campbell town area if anyone is interested... “Recon-ministries” will be starting up a place of teaching, training and equipping the saints for the work of ministry.
The time in Brisbane saw many set free from religious ideas that hold down the power of God thats in us. People were healed and delivered. This is what matters-plus I have received a message that some are now eager to step out and set the captive free also.Grab up your sword and smile, for we have the victory already!
War on for God,

Friday, February 27, 2009

Queensland Meetings.

You will be hearing testimonies of the meetings which were held at Bob and Barbara Black's house in Brisbane. David, Mile and Daniel went with expectancy in their hearts and were absolutely blessed and enriched David preached up a storm and Daniel and Mile moved in their gifts and you will be hearing testimonies from the meeting.
from people who attended. This is so exciting. Godbless you.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Florence is Healed! Praise God!!

Dear Angelica & David,

Thank you so much for calling me the other day and praying together for Florence's healing. I have just put down the phone after speaking to her soon after her visit to the specialist. The doctor has checked her thoroughly and advised her that there is nothing to worry, and there is no need for any surgery at this stage. The fybroids are there but they have not grown and he has told her there is absolutely nothing to worry. He has however, asked her to do blood tests every two months to keep a tab. I believe that she has been healed completely and that her results will only get better. Jesus is the healer...I was listening to your CD this morning whilst driving to work and just worshipped and praised God along with the CD.."you are beautiful"...such a great song...gets you so much into the spirit of worship and also while listening to "recieve the healing waters"...I continued to pray for florence that she would receive the healing waters and will be healed. Thank you so much Angelica and David...Jesus is the answer...He is the healer...Amen. My sister, her hubby and daughter have no words, other than to thank God for this miracle.

We serve an awesome God. Thank you Jesus!

Ann Sardesai

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Amiegoe's on the go

Hi everyone, Just wanted to let you know that David and Mile and Daniel have just left on assignment in prayer to Gold Coast and then to Brisbane. Looking forward to hearing the great results.

Godbless you


Sunday, February 22, 2009

I love Jesus

Hi everyone,
I just wanted to say that I love Jesus, more than life! It's so good to know that other people are crazy for Him like me! I don't ever have anything else to talk about, which seems to make religious people upset, but I can't help it!
My husband and I have seen some wonderful healings and miracles in the name of Jesus. It is so good to see the love of Jesus at work. All we live for is Jesus and the gospel. Every time I pray, I feel the desperate beat of God's heart for the lost, and His great urgency, so my husband and I, and our 4 little kids, have teamed up with the great Holy Ghost to save the lost, no matter the cost. Preach the gospel which is the power of God, with signs and wonders following, and we will lay down our own lives in pursuit of that!
We have a ministry that runs church groups out of peoples homes, and we teach all the people that come, that it is all our responsibility to share the great gospel at every opportunity, which means laying hands on the sick, meeting the needs of people, and sharing the love of Jesus. We are all trained to see the needs of the lost and meet them straight away with the pwoer of God, so just the other week, a couple of guys from one of our 'outreach homes' were driving down the road, and saw two men hitchhiking on the side of the road... one had a broken leg, so they pulled over and gave them a lift. Once the two men were in the car, the guys started sharing the gospel with them, and told the man with the broken leg that Jesus would heal him. When the two men got out of the car, the guys convinced the man with the broken leg to let them pray for him, so they laid hands on his leg in the name of Jesus, and he was instantly healed!! Glory to God! That man will never be the same again! He has been touched with the power of God!
I love Jesus, and I will leave my life behind, and do whatever it takes to ease the great burden on His heart for the lost.
God bless you in Jesus' Mighty Name!

Normal Christianity

Hello Brothers and Sisters in the Lord,

What a blessing it is to live in a time as we do today with the full revelation of the redemptive work of God our Father through Jesus.

We have been redeemed and restored back into fellowship with GOD. GOD is with us and in us working through us every minute of everyday.

What a journey it has been what an awesome adventure life is watching the oppressed set free and free indeed.

Just before the DHT in Melbourne i had enough of just doing church and getting entertained and spoon fed enough to keep me wanting more so i decided to seek God early in the morning for the next couple of Months that was my resolution... to cut a long story short I found God on the mountain I was seeking god with all my heart and my eyes and ears were finally opened and i realised he was always there he was just waiting for me to get out of the religious mindset and trust his word and find out who JESUS really is and thats were the LOVE story begins... I had a John G LAKE book handed to me and that led me to CURRY BLAKE and The DHT.

Ever since the DHT I have been going out and laying hands on the sick around me and seeing them recover.

The first day back my son had a fever. I was pumped after 3 days of hearing the truth preached my faith was the highest it had ever been... I laid hand on him and rebuked the fever in the name of Jesus and watched it retreat before my eyes.

Ever since the DHT my two sons ISAAC and MAXWELL always come up to me with all sorts of ailments I command the sickness to go in the name of jesus and have seen all sicknesses go.

I am always thankfull and rejoice in the LORD as he has already done all the work he said "it is finished" It is done we just need to obey and lay hands on the sick and let GOD do the rest.

When people get healed they are ready to listen to the gospel (the goood news) That God is not Angry at them and that he loves us that is why Jesus died for us so we can have fellowship with the Father right now and walk in totally freedom and that includes in totall health... This is the message i preach to as many people as I can as i go into homes for my JOB (real estate photography) We are embassodars for christ no matter what job we do what an awesome privelege.

A recent testimony is one of my friend which was diagnosed with an aggresive cancer in his bone. He rang me a couple of weeks ago and said the doctor gave him 2 years and very little chance of any treatment being affective. (you could imagine how distrought he was) ...only 45 years old... he has a lot of living to do. As he told me the news i encouraged him and said the first report is not always the last report and said to him i will come over and see him.

He is not saved and always has been a man who has been very self sefficient never lacking in anything now he was beginning to think he was ready to listen... I was going over with an agenda as i always have and that is Gods agenda i always look for an in road to share the gospel and this was as good as any... I believe we were friends all this time for this day... Anyway on the way there i had a good 45 minute drive which was perfect to soak in the word on my ipod and wrote down quite a few healing scriptures on the way ready to give him his medicine. When i arrived i was full of faith and very encouraged...prior to this i h ad rang david my brother in the Lord for some advice and encouragement (what ablessing it is that the lord surrounds us with such dedicated and faith filled family)

Anyway I was sharing the gospel with him reading him the word he got on his knees gave his life to Jesus and asked for forgiveness what a glorious day.

Prior to that day David had prayed over the phone rebuked the cancer and told it to stop spreading.

That weekend the doctors had suspected it might have been a secondary cancer and spread as those type of cancer they say always do so they sent Brett for some CT scans and came back negative the cancer did not spread it wascontained to there complete amazment they were baffled, the best thing they could come up with was that there was some sort of membrane around the cancer containing it to that one area. PRAISE GOD

Brett had also had severe PAIN in his ARM were the cancer was and on quite a few pain killers.
We had laid hands on him and rebuked the pain in the name of JESUS and knew it was gone. Following a few days just before kemo brett rings and gives a report that te paim has completely gone.

Today i went and saw him as a result of the kemo he had been vommitiing and also had a saw throght and lost his voice i had laid hands on him and commanded his voice to return and the sore throaght to heal and by the end of my visit his voice had returned and sawness was going.

I know BRETT is already healed as the scripture sais " by his stripes we were healed" and regardless of any outward signs or reports from experts that is the ultimate truth and that is the truth which i stand on and so does BRETT.

We need to be strong for those who are learning and as they see manifestations there faith will grow strong to the point were they know gods word is the ultimate truth and they to will walk by faith and not by sight.

Its already done praise be to GOD. Thank you LORD. Its time to walk in TRUTH and not accept anthing less than the TRUTH of GODS WORD.

Be encouraged we can BANK on every letter in the bible which is GODS gift to us.

Love you all


Saturday, February 21, 2009

My Friends Gout- Daniel Sgroi

My Friends Gout

Let me start by telling you since the DHT i see things around me different and i pray differently, what i mean by that is for an example when i 'am working down the street or in a shopping centre and I see some one in pain or with a working stick, or in a wheel chair etc I feel sad, hurt, compassion, angry at the devil – It is hard to explain how I feel but I know what I need to do, I know that God loves them and I know that He can heal them.
While I was over a friends place helping with wiring up his new TV, I noticed that he was limping and his foot was swollen, I asked him what’s wrong with your foot. I have gout I had it for years he said with pain on his face. After I finished there I went home, that night I said to myself why didn’t you pray for him? What were you afraid of? I was so angry with myself I ask God to forgive me. The next morning I woke up at 5am and I felt to pray before I left for work. A few minute went by and the Holy Spirit placed my friend on my heart, so I started to pray and asked God just to take the pain away and to heal his foot completely from this gout, I spoke to that gout and command that in Jesus Name to go.
I went to work later that morning and I saw my friend I asked him how is your foot? He said fine a lot better thanks, as I walked away I said to myself THANK YOU JESUS. The next morning at work I approached him and asked him again how his your foot? He said great I got no more pain. I said I need to tell you something I asked God to remove the gout and pain from you foot, he looked at me and said what you ask God? Yes I prayed that God would take away the pain and the gout I said you do not have to live the rest of your life in pain God can do all things. He thanked me and said that the doctor wants him to take two types of tablets every day; I said God has healed you; you don’t need to take any tablets for the gout.
Like I said in the beginning I see thing different and I pray different. Nothing changes until you change, nothing is going to be different until you are different.
2 Corinthians 5.17
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.
John 16.33
These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”
1 John 5:4For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith.

God Bless

Friday, February 20, 2009

Learning to Pray with a new head!

Two many year's have been spent praying the method way? which ever that was and I practiced it all. Even the global positioning prayers that sounded good on earth being trumpeted but in reality did nothing but dusted some grit from the inside of another persons ears. Since doing the DHT twice, It attacked every undead theology in my head and I celebrated the challenge to dump it all. I have a wonderful prayer partner who I pray with every day, And have been practicing praying without any embellishments but I am learning to speak to the symptom in the name of Jesus and watch the miraculous. Do I give up because I can't see any results no. It makes me more determined to press in there. I love challenge and I do'nt give up because of a puff of wind. Jesus Heals full stop, no question about it. Betty my prayer partner and I are learning to pray like never before, less winded prayers and target shooting bulls eye hitting. The joy is phenomenal, I only seeing a spectrum of the bigger picture, and yet I am so over the moon. Sometimes my praying sounds really corny, and Betty just says keep going in the name of Jesus and pray from your heart. Each day Betty and I pray the revelation of the Healer Jesus is deepening and widening to a huge degree in our hearts. So much so we are seeing instant miracles happening, Betty experiences pain and stiffness some days and when we pray together, We are experiencing tremendous heart change, because we choose to change and renew our minds through the word of God"

Jesus Heals!! totally