Skippy the Kangaroo

Skippy the Kangaroo
meets Curry

Chick Tracks

Monday, May 18, 2009

About Curry Blake

Hi everyone, Just wanted to let you know Reverend Curry Blake will not be in Australia this year but exciting things are happening. He will be comencing a bible College this year also there will be held on 24th-27th of June there will be a John G Lake international conference being held in Denver Colarado. For more info please contact me direct.

Our little team in Sydney are praying we will be able to attend this conference. I have included a photo of Curry Preaching in the Italian Church in Sydney 2008.
Real Heart Fellowship which was started approximately 5 weeks ago is powering on. We look forward to sharing more indepth with you soon.
Bob of Brisbane will be adding more testimonies to the page soon
as he and his wife Babara are seeing the Lords blessings as they go forward.
Godbless you

More news!! Bob of Brisbane


  1. Hi Guys,

    I am happy I found this blog and being able to meet other Aussies who love JGL teachings. I am been listeing the last weeks to over 25 mp3 teachings afrom him and I enrolled with the DBI. Yesterday I received Swat 1 & 2 and The Anointing Series + The New Creation on DVD. I have 6 persons who are interested to do a DHT on Video and hope we will be able to reach out here in Hobart ones finished.


  2. praise the Lord John,

    Please keep in contact with us and let us know how you are going.
    you can email us at
