Skippy the Kangaroo

Skippy the Kangaroo
meets Curry

Chick Tracks

Monday, March 2, 2009

Praise report from Queensland trip.

Hello angelica, yesterday was fantastic. Jeremy thought it was great too and had a good chat to Mile and will stay in contact. it is so good to see other peaple doing what we know we should be doing and now we are getting familiar with currys manual so are confident to do it. Our pastor who listens to curry and told us too liked it. i wish we could have stayed longer but nine hours plus a couple driving, was about the limit for one day.
I have had no pain since yesterday morning and i can now clear my mind of negative thoughts by renewing it with the word of god. If you here from anyone who needs prayer on the gold coast, i would like to go and pray for them. I really appreciate your help and encouragement to go yesterday. I will stay in touch
love ellie

Hello , praise the lord i am feeling much better, ive had a few "tingles" i call them opposed to pain, but the major healing is my mind, i can fight of the last of these symptoms with no fear. I am reading the manual everyday and thanking the Lord, will let you know how i am going. love ellie
On Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 7:16 PM

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