Skippy the Kangaroo

Skippy the Kangaroo
meets Curry

Chick Tracks

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Normal Christianity

Hello Brothers and Sisters in the Lord,

What a blessing it is to live in a time as we do today with the full revelation of the redemptive work of God our Father through Jesus.

We have been redeemed and restored back into fellowship with GOD. GOD is with us and in us working through us every minute of everyday.

What a journey it has been what an awesome adventure life is watching the oppressed set free and free indeed.

Just before the DHT in Melbourne i had enough of just doing church and getting entertained and spoon fed enough to keep me wanting more so i decided to seek God early in the morning for the next couple of Months that was my resolution... to cut a long story short I found God on the mountain I was seeking god with all my heart and my eyes and ears were finally opened and i realised he was always there he was just waiting for me to get out of the religious mindset and trust his word and find out who JESUS really is and thats were the LOVE story begins... I had a John G LAKE book handed to me and that led me to CURRY BLAKE and The DHT.

Ever since the DHT I have been going out and laying hands on the sick around me and seeing them recover.

The first day back my son had a fever. I was pumped after 3 days of hearing the truth preached my faith was the highest it had ever been... I laid hand on him and rebuked the fever in the name of Jesus and watched it retreat before my eyes.

Ever since the DHT my two sons ISAAC and MAXWELL always come up to me with all sorts of ailments I command the sickness to go in the name of jesus and have seen all sicknesses go.

I am always thankfull and rejoice in the LORD as he has already done all the work he said "it is finished" It is done we just need to obey and lay hands on the sick and let GOD do the rest.

When people get healed they are ready to listen to the gospel (the goood news) That God is not Angry at them and that he loves us that is why Jesus died for us so we can have fellowship with the Father right now and walk in totally freedom and that includes in totall health... This is the message i preach to as many people as I can as i go into homes for my JOB (real estate photography) We are embassodars for christ no matter what job we do what an awesome privelege.

A recent testimony is one of my friend which was diagnosed with an aggresive cancer in his bone. He rang me a couple of weeks ago and said the doctor gave him 2 years and very little chance of any treatment being affective. (you could imagine how distrought he was) ...only 45 years old... he has a lot of living to do. As he told me the news i encouraged him and said the first report is not always the last report and said to him i will come over and see him.

He is not saved and always has been a man who has been very self sefficient never lacking in anything now he was beginning to think he was ready to listen... I was going over with an agenda as i always have and that is Gods agenda i always look for an in road to share the gospel and this was as good as any... I believe we were friends all this time for this day... Anyway on the way there i had a good 45 minute drive which was perfect to soak in the word on my ipod and wrote down quite a few healing scriptures on the way ready to give him his medicine. When i arrived i was full of faith and very encouraged...prior to this i h ad rang david my brother in the Lord for some advice and encouragement (what ablessing it is that the lord surrounds us with such dedicated and faith filled family)

Anyway I was sharing the gospel with him reading him the word he got on his knees gave his life to Jesus and asked for forgiveness what a glorious day.

Prior to that day David had prayed over the phone rebuked the cancer and told it to stop spreading.

That weekend the doctors had suspected it might have been a secondary cancer and spread as those type of cancer they say always do so they sent Brett for some CT scans and came back negative the cancer did not spread it wascontained to there complete amazment they were baffled, the best thing they could come up with was that there was some sort of membrane around the cancer containing it to that one area. PRAISE GOD

Brett had also had severe PAIN in his ARM were the cancer was and on quite a few pain killers.
We had laid hands on him and rebuked the pain in the name of JESUS and knew it was gone. Following a few days just before kemo brett rings and gives a report that te paim has completely gone.

Today i went and saw him as a result of the kemo he had been vommitiing and also had a saw throght and lost his voice i had laid hands on him and commanded his voice to return and the sore throaght to heal and by the end of my visit his voice had returned and sawness was going.

I know BRETT is already healed as the scripture sais " by his stripes we were healed" and regardless of any outward signs or reports from experts that is the ultimate truth and that is the truth which i stand on and so does BRETT.

We need to be strong for those who are learning and as they see manifestations there faith will grow strong to the point were they know gods word is the ultimate truth and they to will walk by faith and not by sight.

Its already done praise be to GOD. Thank you LORD. Its time to walk in TRUTH and not accept anthing less than the TRUTH of GODS WORD.

Be encouraged we can BANK on every letter in the bible which is GODS gift to us.

Love you all


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