Skippy the Kangaroo

Skippy the Kangaroo
meets Curry

Chick Tracks

Monday, March 9, 2009

JGL Ministrie's Newsletter

Greetings in the name of the Lord,

Everytime I read a newsletter sent out by Reverend Curry Blake, I feel like a rocket launcher, ignited by the Holyghost and everything is such commonsense biblical teaching. His latest Newsletter is like an atom bomb to blow the cobwebs of religiousity right out of your head. Get excited about equipping for eternity. Everything, Curry is targetting and addressing in this newsletter excite's me because I was a fool who allowed alot of those wrong teachings into my life and colour my perception of the truth and became a passive believer. Now I am lethal, armed and pressing forward for the glory of the Lord. Equipping in my heart to fight and stand firmly without wavering with the Master commander Jesus Christ. Curry is doing an intensive training school in Dallas. Our little amiegoe team would just love to go there wooohooooo. hallelujah. If you are not already recieving the newsletter please go and sign up for it.
John G Lake Ministrie's. I myself have become the target of many challenging conversations re the bible and Healing. Two things happened, one I loved the challenge and two I realised how unequipped I was and it exposed the need .. which I am so thankful for ..1. to repent of slackness and to fired me up to emerse my self deeper in the Word of God. Is'nt that great. I want less of me and more of Jesus in every part of who I am. The word engraved in our hearts and renewing our mind daily empowers us to walk with confidence unshaken by challenge. Wooohooo I am
so excited. Press forward in Jesus Name.

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