Skippy the Kangaroo

Skippy the Kangaroo
meets Curry

Chick Tracks

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Pioneering Mile

I want to encourage you today, Brothers and sisters to reach the lost does not mean to sit in your ivory towers of thoughtfulness and ponder lifes what if's. Its having the revelation in your heart about the finality of life and death. To have a burden past yourself to reach the lost and give those near you the oportunity to repent of sin and come back to Christ. We are living in the days where we need to close our ears to all forms of doctrine and get back to the basics of our faith in Jesus. Modern Christianity has disarmed the believer from the truth of the Gospel of Christ. I would encourage you to go back to the DHT and listen to it because each time you hear it, as I have said before its like a vacuum cleaner cleaning out and exposing all of those religious cobwebs. My brother Mile is such an encouragement he is constantly sharing and reaching people with the gospel, as is David and Daniel . To share life and the hope we have in Jesus, is such jewel of eternity into another individuals life. You never, know who you will meet. Mile has introduced people to our little church. Mile's mens prayer group on the mountain is been a time out with God and they are experiencing as men a tenderness and brokeness before the Lord. Daniels mens prayer group as well is experiencing amazing times.

Be encouraged press in there. Don't listen to your head listen to the spirit of the Lord and move as the Lord calls you. somethings are plain commonsence and other things are a time to wait on the Lord.

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