Skippy the Kangaroo

Skippy the Kangaroo
meets Curry

Chick Tracks

Sunday, March 15, 2009

from Brisbane

.......... from Brisbane to say Hi!


A quick note to let you know that I am doing well, had a victory last weekend.

I probably got mad enough with the pain in my leg to move the 'mountain' that
was in the way.

This week I have had virtually no pain in my thigh or hip, muscles still weak and I am building them gradually - too much produces tightness and the pain that I remember from years ago when I had done too much work or climbed too many stairs.

Lindsay was in hospital for 6 days, was taken bad with gall bladder trouble and rushed in and operated on [I think: almost immediately]

Went to visit him yesterday and he was just being discharged, had a coffee and prayed for him and his wife before he left the hospital. Will visit him next week.


now a question

I prayed for a man the other night, he had what appeared to be carpal tunnel trouble in one wrist.

He was not healed right away and I have heard nothing more from him.

Now the 'Q'

The next day [yesterday] I had a similar pain in my wrist [the left, not the right as his was] I told it to go and after spending a little time it was gone only to reappear a short time later.

I rebuked it again and after a shorter time it went only to reappear again - same procedure perhaps a dozen times - at the end it was like a persistent nuisance that just kept coming back and poking me [there was a kid at school who was like that, a real pain in the neck]

Anyway after a number of these reappearances I just had to say [almost silly] things like "I know you are there" & "Git" & "I'm feed up with you" and it would go away for a little while before coming back in slightly different positions on/in my wrist.

At some point it stopped returning & today there has been no sign of it.

Any ideas????

I know some people say the The Lord leads them to 'words of knowledge??' with pains in their bodies.

I have never subscribed to this as I see no suggestion in The Word that it would be a legitimate manifestation.

Seems to me that a word of knowledge would be just that, an understanding from the voice of the Holy Spirit.

The best is yet to come :: !


1 comment:

  1. Hi Bob

    I was listening to a message were we have to hate what God hates, we have to hate it so much that we will not give in to it,

    that we need to speak directly to the pain, sickness, diseases, to the devil and to his demons.

    We stand on the WORD that our God has placed in our heart and not be moved doesn’t matter what the devil throws at us.

    It’s not what comes from our head but what we believe in our heart, The Word of God says
    Romans 10:9
    That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.
    Mark 11:24
    Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.

    First ASK

    Second BELIEVE

    Third RECEIVE

    Receive your healing, your health and everything God has for you, I mean everything

    God Bless


    God has adopted us into His family and place His Spirit in us, VICTORY IS OURS
