Skippy the Kangaroo

Skippy the Kangaroo
meets Curry

Chick Tracks

Thursday, March 26, 2009

From Bob Black Queensland to Daniel

............ for the discs !

Wow, I thought it must have been my birthday.

Thank you very much for doing that for me, much appreciated.

Have listened to one of Curry's - just about drove "badly" - we were in the car and was straining to hear and understand at the same time.

and the one with the healing scriptures, have played that at night when I went to bed.

Had a couple of painful days last week - but - I am starting to get the hang of what is going on.

Today, awoke with virtually no soreness, I reckon that the devils think that they can take me for a sucker - boy! am I starting to get their number.

Last week there were 4 people who said to Barbara or myself that they were 'impressed'/'could not believe' how positive and joyful I was - wow - it does one good to hear such things, I knew that I am getting a good grip on the handle, but did not realise that it was showing.

Went to visit Lindsay on Friday, prayed for him and his wife also, she had been told that morning that she had high blood pressure - she was in a bit of a spin.

David (our grandson) has had results of a blood test taken last week in Cairns, was thought that he had Dengue Fever which is running rampant up there this summer - turns out he has Ross River Fever - maybe not as bad - but - still is not on the list of desired health issues.

Once again - Thanks!

Blessings to you and yours in Jesus Name
Stay out of the rain!



God so loved the world that He gave His only son so that all whobelieved in Him would not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16

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