Skippy the Kangaroo

Skippy the Kangaroo
meets Curry

Chick Tracks

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Bob in Brisbane with a report of what we are doing .......

I found Curry Blake's 'Divine Healing Technicians Training Course' on the website where I go to download testimonies that I copy onto discs and give away.

I had heard of John G. Lake, had been given a little to read and knew him to be one of the healing evangelists that had lived in the earlier part of last century, beond that I knew very little.

As I commenced listening to the DHT course I thought that it would be very easy to find scripture that Curry was using out of context or twisting to make his own points.

I had become (I thought) quite good at picking a scam after 20 odd years since my experience with the Lord Jesus, I had no doubt that Jesus was who He said He was and I thought that I had done well in understanding His word (the bible) and had not allowed myself to be led aside by incorrect and/or deceitful teaching.

I was wrong: about half an hour into the first session I found that Curry was bringing up points and principals that I knew to be right - at that point I had to admit to myself that I had spent most of my christian life - (to say the least) - confused.

Over the years I had prayed for many for deliverance and seen them set free but had not equated that same principal to healing. Since I have commenced praying for people to be healed, using the principals/methods that Curry explains I have been astounded at the results.

The first man had walking trouble, I commanded the pain to leave him and asked him to walk across the room. He did this and then virtualy ran back, thanking me, grabed my hand and shook it. I stood there a bit like - 'bewildered' - I had not even tried.

I have seen the pain that remains after a dose of shingles removed immediatly, pain in my wife's knee removed after she had suffered with it for about 15 years, carpel tunnel pain in a man's wrist went within a week.
When I asked a friend how his knee was (had prayed for it previously) he said "Oh that's fine but my ankle is giving me trouble"

I realise that very often people do not notice that they are actualy healed.

We all notice pain when it is present: but: the absence of pain is just that - the absence of pain.

Remember that Jesus Christ is the same today as He was yesterday and He will be no different tomorrow.


1 comment:

  1. Praise the Lord Bob, We are standing with you
    in prayer.
