Skippy the Kangaroo

Skippy the Kangaroo
meets Curry

Chick Tracks

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I asked a question about evils of religious behaviour and got a fantastic response from AWM

Dear Angelica,

Andrew does not comment on the ministries of others. We do not know these people nor their doctrine.

We do have some pretty strong opinions about so called ‘spiritual warfare’ which we will share with you.

The topic of 'spiritual warfare' has led to many erroneous teachings and activities that have diverted the Body of Christ away from its primary call of preaching the gospel. For some reason, many fine Christians feel that Jesus' redemptive work on the cross was not enough, and they must add to it or complete it by waging war against the enemy. This is simply not Biblical.

To imply that we must ask forgiveness for 'the sins of the fathers' would mean that Jesus did not bring forgiveness to the entire human race through His sacrifice and His blood. Can you name one sin that was not included on the cross? Jesus was made sin! (2 Cor. 5:21) He was made a curse! (Gal. 3:13) And God reconciled Himself to the entire world and is not imputing our sins against us (2 Cor. 5:19).

All principalities and powers were spoiled by Jesus (Col. 2:15) and He has translated us from the kingdom of darkness into His own kingdom (Col. 1:13).

There are no more principalities to defeat and there are no more sins to atone for. Jesus has completed redemption for mankind and God has reconciled Himself to us and does not see our sin. The judgment for sin was paid by Jesus.

For that reason Jesus proclaimed,

All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.
19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen. (Matt. 28:18-20)

Jesus did not tell us to go attack principalities and powers, nor to ask forgiveness for the sins of our forefathers. He told us that He had all power and authority and we were to go and preach. It is so simple but we have had to make it complicated.

The 'wrestling' mentioned in Ephesians 6 has nothing to do with an offensive attack against heavenly principalities. It is speaking of a defensive preparation against temptations against our flesh here on the earth. The 'strongholds' mentioned in 2 Cor. 10, are not demons but rather thoughts, concepts, philosophies, superstitions, political beliefs, customs, etc., that go against the Word of God. They can only be brought down by the preaching of the Word.

What is clear from the New Testament is that there is no evidence whatsoever, nor any instruction that reveals a spiritual war in high places that requires our strategic prayer and intercession. Jesus never sent forth intercessors to prepare the way for His message. He sent his disciples to preach the gospel, heal the sick and cast out demons. Jesus never indicated that some regions wouldn’t receive Him because of demonic principalities, and therefore they must first be torn down before the gospel could be preached. He told his disciples to shake the dust from their feet and move to the next village if they were not received. So much for blaming demons for men’s hardness of heart!

Paul never prayed to identify the strongman over a city or region. He simply preached the gospel and let the chips fall where they may. At times he was received with gladness and other times he was stoned. No mention was made of the “stronghold” that must be torn down. No intercessory prayer group was formed to attack these powers so that Paul could be invited back to town.

What Jesus did commission the church to do was preach the gospel.

18 “And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. 19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: 20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.” Matt. 28:18-20

All power (authority) was given unto Jesus in heaven AND in earth. In other words, there is no realm that is not subject to His authority. Therefore, we are authorized and empowered to take the gospel to all nations regardless of principalities, strongmen and strongholds. The authority of those “powers” has been defeated.

“And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it.” Col. 2:15

These are the same principalities and powers so often referred to in Ephesians 6. If Jesus has “spoiled” these powers, and if “all authority” has been given Him in heaven and in earth, and if He has commissioned us to “go into all the world and preach the gospel,” then it can be assumed that the only resistance we have to deal with is an earthly resistance comprised of the strongholds in the minds of men and the fiery darts of an enemy who has been defeated and spoiled.

But with the weapons of our warfare, we have been equipped for victory. Much time and prayer has been spent fighting an enemy by “binding” him in his heavenly abode, when in fact it is his earthly activities of lies and temptations that we have been equipped to tear down. And much time has been lost that should have been spent going into all the world and preaching. But, praying “strategically” sounds so much more romantic than actually preaching to the lost and healing the sick. You can stay at home and do “strategic warfare,” but you must leave the prayer room and go to the nations if we are to fulfill the Great Commission.

Unfortunately modern teaching would have us attack the heavenly powers first before feeling that we can preach the gospel with any effectiveness. This is not the New Testament pattern. There are two results from this line of thinking: 1) Men are not considered responsible for their hardness of heart. It’s the devil’s fault; and 2) Our lack of effectiveness in healing the sick and setting the captives free isn’t our fault either. We just need to tear down some more strongholds in prayer and maybe then we can see a revival. We believe this to be an error that has sidetracked the church from its true calling and commission.

Perhaps this will help you.

In accordance with Matthew 18:19, we set ourselves in agreement with you and release our faith with yours that these needs are met according to God’s perfect will.

We have prayed according to Romans 8:26, “Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.”

We encourage you to remember Hebrews 10:35, “Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompense of reward.” Also remember Hebrews 6:12, and be “followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises.”


Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the
knowledge of God and our Lord Jesus Christ (2 Peter 1:2)

Encouragement Dept.
Andrew Wommack Ministries

Thursday, March 26, 2009

From Bob Black Queensland to Daniel

............ for the discs !

Wow, I thought it must have been my birthday.

Thank you very much for doing that for me, much appreciated.

Have listened to one of Curry's - just about drove "badly" - we were in the car and was straining to hear and understand at the same time.

and the one with the healing scriptures, have played that at night when I went to bed.

Had a couple of painful days last week - but - I am starting to get the hang of what is going on.

Today, awoke with virtually no soreness, I reckon that the devils think that they can take me for a sucker - boy! am I starting to get their number.

Last week there were 4 people who said to Barbara or myself that they were 'impressed'/'could not believe' how positive and joyful I was - wow - it does one good to hear such things, I knew that I am getting a good grip on the handle, but did not realise that it was showing.

Went to visit Lindsay on Friday, prayed for him and his wife also, she had been told that morning that she had high blood pressure - she was in a bit of a spin.

David (our grandson) has had results of a blood test taken last week in Cairns, was thought that he had Dengue Fever which is running rampant up there this summer - turns out he has Ross River Fever - maybe not as bad - but - still is not on the list of desired health issues.

Once again - Thanks!

Blessings to you and yours in Jesus Name
Stay out of the rain!



God so loved the world that He gave His only son so that all whobelieved in Him would not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Letter to Dawn Blake from Curry

We are in our second set of meetings.We are in Medan (northern Indo.)The meetings are going great.We've trained over 300 pastors so far...Pastor Steven has made arrangements for me to meet with Jonathan David.He is the top guy in this part of the world and he asked to meet with me.The other day we were at a local mall and a microburst hit.It is like a hurricane condensed down to a small area but with the same force.Like a tornado but without a funnel.It broke out the glass windows and doors of the mall and sent glassand debris everywhere.John was with Pastor Steven in a Starbucks and I was with Tim in the hallway.When the windows broke it cut John and Ps. Steven slightly.The wind was so strong it threw chairs and trashcans through the mall.It tore off the steel poles in the parking lots and ripped trees outof the ground.Everyone started running away leaving children screaming and crying.John jumped on one little boy and held him down to keep him from beingblown away.Tim and I started moving toward the area where the most damage was happening.We had to fight through the crowd. Tim started commanding the storm to stop.I went into the stores where the storm was hitting.The wind stopped shortly after Tim commanded it to.We helped several people out of the stores. It was still raining hardand people were still screaming and running.When it all died down we went back to the hotel and all along the wayit looked like a war zone.We all felt like we were targeted.We had just finished the first series of meetings and the enemy wasacutely aware of what we were doing there and it's results.
Well gotta go.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

from Brisbane

.......... from Brisbane to say Hi!


A quick note to let you know that I am doing well, had a victory last weekend.

I probably got mad enough with the pain in my leg to move the 'mountain' that
was in the way.

This week I have had virtually no pain in my thigh or hip, muscles still weak and I am building them gradually - too much produces tightness and the pain that I remember from years ago when I had done too much work or climbed too many stairs.

Lindsay was in hospital for 6 days, was taken bad with gall bladder trouble and rushed in and operated on [I think: almost immediately]

Went to visit him yesterday and he was just being discharged, had a coffee and prayed for him and his wife before he left the hospital. Will visit him next week.


now a question

I prayed for a man the other night, he had what appeared to be carpal tunnel trouble in one wrist.

He was not healed right away and I have heard nothing more from him.

Now the 'Q'

The next day [yesterday] I had a similar pain in my wrist [the left, not the right as his was] I told it to go and after spending a little time it was gone only to reappear a short time later.

I rebuked it again and after a shorter time it went only to reappear again - same procedure perhaps a dozen times - at the end it was like a persistent nuisance that just kept coming back and poking me [there was a kid at school who was like that, a real pain in the neck]

Anyway after a number of these reappearances I just had to say [almost silly] things like "I know you are there" & "Git" & "I'm feed up with you" and it would go away for a little while before coming back in slightly different positions on/in my wrist.

At some point it stopped returning & today there has been no sign of it.

Any ideas????

I know some people say the The Lord leads them to 'words of knowledge??' with pains in their bodies.

I have never subscribed to this as I see no suggestion in The Word that it would be a legitimate manifestation.

Seems to me that a word of knowledge would be just that, an understanding from the voice of the Holy Spirit.

The best is yet to come :: !


Monday, March 9, 2009

JGL Ministrie's Newsletter

Greetings in the name of the Lord,

Everytime I read a newsletter sent out by Reverend Curry Blake, I feel like a rocket launcher, ignited by the Holyghost and everything is such commonsense biblical teaching. His latest Newsletter is like an atom bomb to blow the cobwebs of religiousity right out of your head. Get excited about equipping for eternity. Everything, Curry is targetting and addressing in this newsletter excite's me because I was a fool who allowed alot of those wrong teachings into my life and colour my perception of the truth and became a passive believer. Now I am lethal, armed and pressing forward for the glory of the Lord. Equipping in my heart to fight and stand firmly without wavering with the Master commander Jesus Christ. Curry is doing an intensive training school in Dallas. Our little amiegoe team would just love to go there wooohooooo. hallelujah. If you are not already recieving the newsletter please go and sign up for it.
John G Lake Ministrie's. I myself have become the target of many challenging conversations re the bible and Healing. Two things happened, one I loved the challenge and two I realised how unequipped I was and it exposed the need .. which I am so thankful for ..1. to repent of slackness and to fired me up to emerse my self deeper in the Word of God. Is'nt that great. I want less of me and more of Jesus in every part of who I am. The word engraved in our hearts and renewing our mind daily empowers us to walk with confidence unshaken by challenge. Wooohooo I am
so excited. Press forward in Jesus Name.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Excitement in the Ranks!

Hi everyone, I just spoke with Enzo our national Co-ordinator for John G Lake Ministries in Australia and New Zealand. Reverend Currys trip is going to be amazing. So keep your eye to the post and we will be letting you know the locations and the times asap.

He will be doing both the Swat and the DHT course in Australia this year.

Thats going to be fantastic. This is spiritual bootcamp training and equipping in the nicest possible way.
Godbless you

Monday, March 2, 2009

Praise report from Queensland trip.

Hello angelica, yesterday was fantastic. Jeremy thought it was great too and had a good chat to Mile and will stay in contact. it is so good to see other peaple doing what we know we should be doing and now we are getting familiar with currys manual so are confident to do it. Our pastor who listens to curry and told us too liked it. i wish we could have stayed longer but nine hours plus a couple driving, was about the limit for one day.
I have had no pain since yesterday morning and i can now clear my mind of negative thoughts by renewing it with the word of god. If you here from anyone who needs prayer on the gold coast, i would like to go and pray for them. I really appreciate your help and encouragement to go yesterday. I will stay in touch
love ellie

Hello , praise the lord i am feeling much better, ive had a few "tingles" i call them opposed to pain, but the major healing is my mind, i can fight of the last of these symptoms with no fear. I am reading the manual everyday and thanking the Lord, will let you know how i am going. love ellie
On Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 7:16 PM

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Awesome time

We just returned from a great time of teaching and preaching the word of God in Brisbane. Ten hours of going through the message of freedom to the captives and healing to the sick, coupled with our authority as a believer (DHT stuff).
It was a great time meeting everyone and working with the amigos again. Thanks amigos!

There is going to be a new ministry starting in the Campbell town area if anyone is interested... “Recon-ministries” will be starting up a place of teaching, training and equipping the saints for the work of ministry.
The time in Brisbane saw many set free from religious ideas that hold down the power of God thats in us. People were healed and delivered. This is what matters-plus I have received a message that some are now eager to step out and set the captive free also.Grab up your sword and smile, for we have the victory already!
War on for God,