Skippy the Kangaroo

Skippy the Kangaroo
meets Curry

Chick Tracks

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Great Testimonies from Enzo

been keeping detailed records of people we have prayed for and a brief note of their illness and the results so we can use these testimonies to encourage others. To date we have prayed for 67 people who have been sick and I can verify 29 have been healed; a lot better than before the DHT that is for sure. Some of the folk we have prayed for, about 10 or so, I can't contact for some reason or another so I don't know the result so we are still praying for them and the others, we have lost some who did not make it 2 died and some don’t seem interested, we are learning as we go and are being bolder and TRUSTING in the word.

Some notable healings

Brock, a young boy around 4 yrs old, was very badly hurt in a car accident his head was smashed against the pillar of the car in which he was riding and broke open his skull (no seat belt I might add). His mother, who we know, has a bad drug problem and was going out late one night (with him bouncing in the back seat) trying to make a score when the car rolled and launched him into the pillar he was rushed to hospital and put on life support as he had no brain function we heard about it later that week through his sister who remembered us speaking of Gods healing power to her. She called us and asked for help, this was sat if memory serves me, Sunday we purchased a stuffed bear for her to take down to lay on him, we all at church laid hands on the bear and prayed that when the toy touched him he would be raised up. She called Sunday night and told us the the doctors said there was no hope and that they would be turning off the life support Monday and all the family was asked to come down. Tabatha, (his sister) went down Monday with the bear and to say good bye. They turned off the life support as he still showed no brain function; she placed the bear on him and within a short time (a few minutes as far as I can recall) he coughed and jerked and fired up and blew them all away (praise the Master). There is no doubt in my mind he was raised from the dead :-) Wow my heart is racing just recalling the story, anyway to keep going his recovery was so remarkable that the hospital called him the miracle boy and channel seven heard about it, did a story on him, unfortunately it was shown on the sunshine coast so no one up here saw it , I went down to hospital to see him a number of times and saw his motor function and smiles and laughter and could not hold back the tears .

To keep going I don't know how much detail you want so will keep on track and keep to the point

· Wendy Marsden who you and Curry met and prayed for in June was healed from terminal cancer. The cancer disappeared after about six months about the time the doctors told her nothing more could be done for her and she said I will just trust God.

· My grandson Fletcher was born 2 1/2 months premmie and given a very dim future; if he were to survive he would be retarded in some way at best, there was a constant tug of war going on, on deaths door now lifted up and going well then back to deaths door and so on, prayer was made for him almost without ceasing from the church one account I can recall is getting a call from my daughter to go to hospital as he had bad pneumonia his oxygen count was around 65 (which I was told is pretty low) the church was meeting at the time and we called them and asked them to pray as we were going in, my son in law and I laid hands on him and prayed I saw the oxygen count move almost immediately 65 ,75 ,85 95 and went to 100 for a brief moment healed in front of my face. Just this week he had to be rushed to hospital with a bad infection golden staph , we prayed again and he was healed within a day, boy it has been a constant battle but knowing who we are in Christ gives us confidence and the love and strength of the brethren not taking no for an answer makes all the difference.

We have had some amazing success praying over toys get well cards towels and the like] ,

· a young lady, Collette, had breast cancer and the church prayed over a hat for her to wear as she lost all her hair from kemo she is home now

· Tracey had whooping cough and was healed after prayer

· Ian had ross river fever healed after prayer ,

· Peter kidney complaint prayed over a get well card much improved and now back home

· Liz had a major brain aneurism and was not expected to live the church prayed over a toy stuffed bear and sent it down to her an instant move forward, her mother agreed that God would heal her and tied the ribbon from the bear in her hair so she would have blessing 24hrs a day, and prognosis changed to “she will make a full recovery” ( she was not expected to live and if she did she would not be able talk walk feed her self or attend to her self any any real way ) well she is walking ( with a cane ) talking eating laughing doing all the things they said she would not be able to do and she is home

· Jo instantly healed of a knee injury,

· Ian healed of a termanl heart complaint and a bad back at the same time ,

· beryl instantly healed of cancer,

· Abby a premmie baby not expected to live prayed over a bear and place in the crib remarkable recovery,

· Michelle healed from breast cancer,

· Amanda hit and run car accident thought neck was broken after prayer no sign of broken neck,

· Here is a crazy one! Cyclone Yasi the biggest cyclone in history i am told was heading for the coast, a number of us prayed for no loss of life and peace be still. The path of the cyclone moved to follow a path that would cause the least damage and there was no loss of life as a result of the cyclone Wendy heard a news report that the cyclone miraculously changed path to enter the coast at the least populated point. Boy we learnt a lot from that, and are ready for the next one in Jesus name.

· Jackson you might remember he had a bad bike accident on the week end of New Man seminar, he was bike jumping and his bike fell on him as he was jumping about 20 feet in the air going about 80klm a few of us went to the hospital and I saw his arm and it looked broken to me bent out of shape etc they were very concerned about his spine and thought he had bad damage their a broken rib and a punctured lung an amazing change happened when prayed, for his arm was no longer bent and he had full sensation in his feet we left rejoicing his father got a call about. 3 hrs later to say things have gone horribly wrong and that he was going on life support so a number of us gathered in the kitchen at the seminar ctr and prayed speaking the word of God at that time his grandmother said she had an intense pain in her body and that is was Jackson’s, we rebuked the pain and it left her. Later we heard that Jackson was doing much better and was not in pain (which the doctors said was impossible) and he confirmed that the pain left him about the time we prayed for Wendy. I know it sounds crazy but I am a witness to this and can confirm first hand .

· Karen who came to the seminar had a sleeping disorder could only sleep about an 1hr per night we prayed for her Friday she slept. 4 hrs Friday 4 hrs sat she rec'd the baptism of the holy ghost Sunday night and we baptized her in Jims pool Sunday night late she slept for 12 hrs Sunday and each day since she is a bit frightened to drive as she says she might fall asleep on the way ha ha :-)

Monday, January 17, 2011

Huge Testimony to encourage you all

As you know I have been encouraging you all to testify. On the 61th of January 2011 I was invited to lead worship in Emu Gully which is at the base of Towoomba mountain. On the sunday morning as I began to lead worship I had a stirring in my heart by the spirit of the Lord to call forth the sick. So I asked the organizer for permission to change direction which she absolutely let me do. There were approximately 50 people there, I made a call for the sick to come forward that I would pray for them and shared abit about my testimony. The first person to come forward was a lady who had been a professional singer travelled world wide, had a throat operation and had not been able to sing for 20 years and wanted to sing. I took a deep breath and okay with expectancy in my heart and with excitement and spoke to the throat and sypmtoms in the name of Jesus and said throat you are healed in the name of Jesus and to the tendons to the voice box you are healed in jesus name I knew like an itch you cannot scratch she was healed. I then told her to sing, she was apprehensive but as she began to sing the voice was piercingly stronger and stronger, her 75 year old husband with tears said I have not heard that voice for a long time. God is good and his mercy endures forever. I am so relieved its not about me its Jesus and I absolutely recognized its about him allthe time. There were many other miracles that followed but this one shifted the praise to another level.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Back healed and lessons learnt by Simon Wilson of NZ

Back healed and lessons learntby Simon Wilson on Friday, November 19, 2010 at 11:37am
I want to share this testimony for those who are just starting out in praying for the sick and not necessary seeing the results that they would like to see...

For a job i do lawn mowing and Gardening and about a year ago i picked up a new customer who was getting on in age he was around the late 80's, he had major back pain that was very much crippling him. I offered to pray for his back then but to my disappointment there was no change in fact it was a little embarrassing, but i carried on seeking God and pursuing a ministry after Jesus' ministry, believing that it was only a hiccup in my path. I stopped working for the customer about 8 months ago as he got family to help instead thinking i would never hear from him again,

Four weeks ago he called me up and asked me to mow his lawns again, i popped around and mowed his lawns and noticed that he was still having back problems so i offered to pray for him again and he politely said yes so i did, it was a little hard this time praying for him as it was in front of his neighbors, but i did it non the less. So i ministered and got him to check his back out, but sadly there was no change that i could see, i said i would be back in a couple weeks to mow the lawn and if there is still pain i would love to pray again,

i popped around just last week and apparently the very next day after i ministered all the pain had left and he was able to go about his normal life, feeling like a new man he accidentally pushed it a little too far and hurt his back again and was desperate for me to pray again, i was stoked there was a result from the last prayer and i was more than willing to minister again, i ministered and then got him to move around... INSTANT HEALING!!! pain left and he could almost touch his toes.

what i learnt was that don't quit if you do not see a healing, he wouldn't of been healed now if i had given up a year ago thinking that this stuff doesn't work. Keep ministering and keeping learning from your mistakes.

iv always figured that when you dont see a healing there is quite often a miss-belief some where in your mind that is preventing the spirit of God to move, so the best thing to do is to trace the miss-belief (or lie) face it and replace it with the truth(or truth coach) and keep working it out into your life... and never be complacent.

also you may not always see the instant result but that doesn't mean your prayer has not worked.

i hope this encourages and helps,

God Bless

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Listen Listen Listen Listen

I have kept in contact with alot of you over the years and I want to encourage you to go back and listen to the DHT, Go to JGL site and snoop around. Curry has been given extreme wisdom to unshackle the shackled head. I am testimony of listening to it with my prayer partner who is 85 she is a mother in the faith to me probably more than 40 times in the past three years. No I am not deaf, Its the hunger and passion in my heart to dump religious attitudes and there were alot, not as many as before but I choose change. These things do not go away in five seconds. I listen and listen over and over again because my heart and spirit are hungry and I remember the jewels of commonsence wisdom. That somehow we forget. Godbless you

Go back and listen to the DHT

Hello everyone, sorry for the long extended delay. I would really like to encourage you to testify. The DHT is totally eye and head opening wisdom.we cannot afford to look at people with the old garbage of religion to survive in these days. The objective is to look beyond your nose and step out with revelation faith and see the sick and the oppressed healed and delivered from these strong holds. The most important place starts right at home. If change is first witnessed in the sanctuary of your dwelling then that testimony will reach out to others passed your doors. There is alot with doing and doing and doing, In the same breath there is alot more strength in listening and being obedient. I have come to realize more and more in the last few years as I travel and minister there are alot of hearers but not doers, there are alot of good intentions but no faithfulness to Jesus. There are alot of I did this and that Ministers but few walk in humility, alot of bullies in the faith and few who have learnt to walk the talk , the word that is alive is living revelation in the heart of the believer who is extremely faithful and deligent and wise in all areas of there lives. Making choices to fight the good fight of faith and turn from acts of evil and saying no to bad choices through revelation of what lies beyond there nose. A huge world. Selfishness and self centeredness has no place there niether does violence or bullying. If you choose Christ there are lots of luxuries out there wether it be our attitudes words we speak ect watching tv or movies that absolutely appose the teachings of Christ that are no good for us as believers.Religiousness and what I term tall tower mentalitys have to go in Jesus name. Ministry is not about you its about Jesus. I want to encourage you to go back and listen to the DHT if you think to yourself I have heard it all, i know it all. Then you have totally missed the point. Change happens through persistance not a three second choice. The worste enemy in the world besides shiftyfoot is our undead flesh. If you think you know it all you are puffed up.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Reverend Curry and Dawn Blakes daughter in accident.


Late Monday night Becky was in a terrible car accident. She was in my Chevy Trailblazer. (SUV)
Becky said that a Fox ran out in front of the car & she swerved to keep from hitting it then lost control of the car.

The car rolled over about 4 or 5 times before it smashed into a tree upside down. When the cops got there she was hanging halfway outside of the drivers side window. She was driving my Chevy Trailblazer. Curry & I got a call late Monday night from the Police saying that she was in the hospital being treated for her injuries & that's all they'd say over the phone. Needless to say we got up there as fast as we could.

She completely broke the main bone that holds her hips in half. Her right foot was broken in over 3 places with 3 broken ribs.

She had multiple cuts, scrapes & bruises & lots of glass all over her & in her skin all over her body. She was wearing slip on sandals.

THANK GOD that they had washed all the blood from her face by the time I had gotten there!

The officer told Curry & I that he'd never seen anyone walk away from an accident like this! PTL God was with her!
She has been dealing with ALOT of pain. We've all been praying but today we had a great breakthrough!

About 6 of us all laid hands on her at the hospital & all pain left her body. She hasn't been able to get up on her on. But today when they prayed all pain left. PRAISE THE LORD. Curry & I haven't had much sleep before our INTL' conference started since all of this happened. We appreciate all your prayers! Curry is having to teach the conference here that started on June 23rd.

Pray for strength.


Dawn Blake

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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Encouragment to pray for the sick.

It was such a huge blessing for David and I to meet and pray with wonderful people in Perth. The amazing blessing for me was most of them had found Curry online and were listening to the DHT. just as I cannot seem to hear enough of it. The one thing I am constantly reminding myself especially after reading John G Lakes book, is that its not about us. Jesus did it at calvary. Pray for the sick and stirring them up stirrs you up as well. To pray and impart faith with the word is not as easy as I thought it was in the beginning, its a total dying to yourself just as Christ died for us. There again this is the life I choose or those who choose to follow Christ. Don not loose heart, perserverance wins the race not loud clanging cymbals or drums its a real sense of knowing. I want to encourage, you all who have been through the DHT to go through it again, take time to invest in your life. If you think you know it all.. you have a problem. DHT is my life line to alot of change to look past my nose and see the bigger picture through the eyes that Christ intended us to have. Open and not shut, ears to hear and not plugged up with a phone. Jesus heals not us. Jesus. I am changed for eternity.