Skippy the Kangaroo

Skippy the Kangaroo
meets Curry

Chick Tracks

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I have been healed in Jesus name

I have been healed of blood disorders,cancer,brought back from the dead 3 times.
and forgiven of lots of sins. As you know me from the DHT in Sydney. Prior to Reverend Curry coming out I started listening to his teachings privately to my amazement it contradicted every religious teaching and false teaching I had fed to my head and acquired over the years, even though my heart and spirit were in conflict to what I had been taught. I like many put up with the teaching until we woke up and got brave and ran away hahaha. As usual this teaching was under the guise of the next new thing. I was forced back to the days of my youth and back to the simplicity and commonsense of Gods Word that I had been discipled under. The Jesus who breathed into my dead bones and forgave my sins, somehow in the quagmire of experiece "christian" I had stepped away from the innocense of my love for the lord and became a no it all head knowledge Christian label person. of absolutely No earthly use. To this day I continue to repent and ask the Lord forgiveness on things that have been coming to rememberance. I remember an old pastor saying to me years ago,To be used greatly of the Lord, is to walk with flesh that has died to its sinful ways and to choose Christ ways over every situation we encounter.That is a heart to eternity realization that Jesus the Christ is absolutely 100%the living word. With no foofoo mentality added on to it. A greater and deeper love for the word of God has broken down the barriers of my insecurities and slackness to push forward. I believe exactly what Jesus says, and every day I choose more and more and every day the trials come along like a sneeky fox to steal but again I choose Jesus. Paul says count it all joy when encountering trials and tribulations. I will tell you when I get excited hahaha.Reverend Curry Blake, imparted biblical common sense that was so offensive to the undead flesh it just had to go in Jesus name (mine of course lol)My new Heart revelation and deep realization and respect , love for Jesus opened my blind eyes and deaf ears to exactly who Jesus really is and the authority we have through the blood he shed at Calvary. The answer is zippo nothing. Its Jesus who has the authority, Its Jesus who is the living Word, its Jesus who sets the captives free its Jesus who heals the sick and opens the blind eyes. When we speak to a sympton in the name of Jesus eg, head aches in the name of Jesus go or blood disorder to be corrected in the name of Jesus, It is Jesus the living Word who does it all. Its imperative we know whom we serve, its imperative we know the word of God and are constantly daily have our minds renewed through the reading of the word. I choose Jesus over every situation and he has been extroadinarily faithful to me. How can I not give him praise.He has given me the heart and voice to sing and I give him the Glory. He healed me of Cancer, put gas back in my lungs 4 times when I was suppose to die and he has given me his heart and love for people , I continue to learn and am willing to change for the glory of God. The Holyspirit spoke to me one day when I was walking to work, I could not breathe , I was gasping for breath and I was ready to pass out, my chest was tightening at a rapid pace, when I heard the Holyspirit say "Lungs in the name of Jesus you will breathe and not die" and repeated it until I started to speak it out of my mouth and started getting hopping mad about this condition I was experiencing and without realizing I was marching along the road saying it out loud "lungs in the name of Jesus you will breathe and not die". See Jesus is Amazing Grace, He is the miraculous.When we pray for people in the name of Jesus, release your faith into that area of need and give thanks to God. Keep going until you see results, Remember its not about you or your ability, recognize who the healer is....its not you or I. Its Jesus the living Word. The Lamb who was slain is due his reward. Godbless you all Angelica


  1. Wow, this is great testimony Angelica. Praise the Lord. Can I request the DHT team to pray for my sister Florence. She's had to undergo a CT Scan recently and an ovarian cyst has been detected which does not appear to be very good. The diagnosis says that it appear cancerous. She is going to see her specialist with this report next Wednesday. Can we stand together and claim complete healing for her, she has gone through many surgeries in the past years....easity about 10-12...mainly to get cysts removed from various parts of her bodies at different times. Can I request you all to uphold Florence in prayers that when her specialist examines her once again, that everything is clear. Thank you. Love in Christ....Ann

  2. Anne, We are standing in the gap with you sister if you would like the Team to come and pray with you. Please let me know.If you would like us to pray with you over the phone email us your phone number.

    Godbless you

  3. That would be terrific. Thanks cell phone is 0405 358 804. Do we have a DHT team in India at this stage?

  4. The reason I ask about DHT India is because, Florence my sister is in Bangalore India.

  5. Hi Anne,
    I will get the amiegoes to pray with you.
    Also re:India please contact JGL Ministries
    direct and they will tell you Curry's schedule for 2009.
    Godbless you
