Skippy the Kangaroo

Skippy the Kangaroo
meets Curry

Chick Tracks

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Florence is Healed! Praise God!!

Dear Angelica & David,

Thank you so much for calling me the other day and praying together for Florence's healing. I have just put down the phone after speaking to her soon after her visit to the specialist. The doctor has checked her thoroughly and advised her that there is nothing to worry, and there is no need for any surgery at this stage. The fybroids are there but they have not grown and he has told her there is absolutely nothing to worry. He has however, asked her to do blood tests every two months to keep a tab. I believe that she has been healed completely and that her results will only get better. Jesus is the healer...I was listening to your CD this morning whilst driving to work and just worshipped and praised God along with the CD.."you are beautiful"...such a great song...gets you so much into the spirit of worship and also while listening to "recieve the healing waters"...I continued to pray for florence that she would receive the healing waters and will be healed. Thank you so much Angelica and David...Jesus is the answer...He is the healer...Amen. My sister, her hubby and daughter have no words, other than to thank God for this miracle.

We serve an awesome God. Thank you Jesus!

Ann Sardesai

1 comment:

  1. wooohoooo praise the Lord, answered prayer thankyou lord Jesus.
