Skippy the Kangaroo

Skippy the Kangaroo
meets Curry

Chick Tracks

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Back healed and lessons learnt by Simon Wilson of NZ

Back healed and lessons learntby Simon Wilson on Friday, November 19, 2010 at 11:37am
I want to share this testimony for those who are just starting out in praying for the sick and not necessary seeing the results that they would like to see...

For a job i do lawn mowing and Gardening and about a year ago i picked up a new customer who was getting on in age he was around the late 80's, he had major back pain that was very much crippling him. I offered to pray for his back then but to my disappointment there was no change in fact it was a little embarrassing, but i carried on seeking God and pursuing a ministry after Jesus' ministry, believing that it was only a hiccup in my path. I stopped working for the customer about 8 months ago as he got family to help instead thinking i would never hear from him again,

Four weeks ago he called me up and asked me to mow his lawns again, i popped around and mowed his lawns and noticed that he was still having back problems so i offered to pray for him again and he politely said yes so i did, it was a little hard this time praying for him as it was in front of his neighbors, but i did it non the less. So i ministered and got him to check his back out, but sadly there was no change that i could see, i said i would be back in a couple weeks to mow the lawn and if there is still pain i would love to pray again,

i popped around just last week and apparently the very next day after i ministered all the pain had left and he was able to go about his normal life, feeling like a new man he accidentally pushed it a little too far and hurt his back again and was desperate for me to pray again, i was stoked there was a result from the last prayer and i was more than willing to minister again, i ministered and then got him to move around... INSTANT HEALING!!! pain left and he could almost touch his toes.

what i learnt was that don't quit if you do not see a healing, he wouldn't of been healed now if i had given up a year ago thinking that this stuff doesn't work. Keep ministering and keeping learning from your mistakes.

iv always figured that when you dont see a healing there is quite often a miss-belief some where in your mind that is preventing the spirit of God to move, so the best thing to do is to trace the miss-belief (or lie) face it and replace it with the truth(or truth coach) and keep working it out into your life... and never be complacent.

also you may not always see the instant result but that doesn't mean your prayer has not worked.

i hope this encourages and helps,

God Bless

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Listen Listen Listen Listen

I have kept in contact with alot of you over the years and I want to encourage you to go back and listen to the DHT, Go to JGL site and snoop around. Curry has been given extreme wisdom to unshackle the shackled head. I am testimony of listening to it with my prayer partner who is 85 she is a mother in the faith to me probably more than 40 times in the past three years. No I am not deaf, Its the hunger and passion in my heart to dump religious attitudes and there were alot, not as many as before but I choose change. These things do not go away in five seconds. I listen and listen over and over again because my heart and spirit are hungry and I remember the jewels of commonsence wisdom. That somehow we forget. Godbless you

Go back and listen to the DHT

Hello everyone, sorry for the long extended delay. I would really like to encourage you to testify. The DHT is totally eye and head opening wisdom.we cannot afford to look at people with the old garbage of religion to survive in these days. The objective is to look beyond your nose and step out with revelation faith and see the sick and the oppressed healed and delivered from these strong holds. The most important place starts right at home. If change is first witnessed in the sanctuary of your dwelling then that testimony will reach out to others passed your doors. There is alot with doing and doing and doing, In the same breath there is alot more strength in listening and being obedient. I have come to realize more and more in the last few years as I travel and minister there are alot of hearers but not doers, there are alot of good intentions but no faithfulness to Jesus. There are alot of I did this and that Ministers but few walk in humility, alot of bullies in the faith and few who have learnt to walk the talk , the word that is alive is living revelation in the heart of the believer who is extremely faithful and deligent and wise in all areas of there lives. Making choices to fight the good fight of faith and turn from acts of evil and saying no to bad choices through revelation of what lies beyond there nose. A huge world. Selfishness and self centeredness has no place there niether does violence or bullying. If you choose Christ there are lots of luxuries out there wether it be our attitudes words we speak ect watching tv or movies that absolutely appose the teachings of Christ that are no good for us as believers.Religiousness and what I term tall tower mentalitys have to go in Jesus name. Ministry is not about you its about Jesus. I want to encourage you to go back and listen to the DHT if you think to yourself I have heard it all, i know it all. Then you have totally missed the point. Change happens through persistance not a three second choice. The worste enemy in the world besides shiftyfoot is our undead flesh. If you think you know it all you are puffed up.