Skippy the Kangaroo

Skippy the Kangaroo
meets Curry

Chick Tracks

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Healings in Jesus name

Hi everyone,

Here is the latest up date.. our little church aptly name Real Heart has grown from
6 to 25 which is such an encouragement. We have been rotating service from Mile and Dawns house to David and Angelica's . The meeting at Mile and Dawns home was such a blessing for the people who attended and they felt so welcomed and ministered to then Mile and David prayed for a man who came along to the fellowship on crutches and who had been told that he would not be able to work again. We'll he and his wife went home from the meeting and said they had felt really tired and had a deep sleep. When Peter woke he was doing things he could not do before and has been skooting around alike a rabbit. I also experienced tremendous break throughs at a recent meeting that I went to and lead worship. I made a call for people to be healed.. I was surprised how many came forward I thought maybe two at the most considering it was a praise seminar. To my shock nearly 12 people came forward. I prayed just as we had been taught at the DHT amazingly
3 people testified to a notable healing a few others came back the next day for a top up hahaha.
Keep practicing and keep listening to the DHt.
Godbless you
I will be posting photos of the fellowship soon.
Sunday 24th of January, Peter Karp was the guest speaker and again testimonies were shared
and prayer for the sick administered in Jesus name.
David is in the USA and Mile and Dawn in Perth and I am about to go to Melbourne we certainly
are on the move. Praise the Lord be encouraged.

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