Skippy the Kangaroo

Skippy the Kangaroo
meets Curry

Chick Tracks

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Miracle healings happening in Jesus name

Hi everyone, we are getting so excited about the amazing healings that are happening as we press forward in Jesus name. Peter who attended one of our meetings two weeks ago came with his wife Enu, he was told that he would be permanently off work and came with a walking stick. That afternoon when he and his wife went home they were extremely tired went to sleep

and had the biggest sleep they said. On waking Peter, realized that he had experienced no pain like before and since then has been walking like a new man without the walking stick. Is'nt the Lord just absolutely wonderful. Our little fellowship has experienced some birthing pains but now we are experiencing tremendous growth and testimonies. I cannot help but continue to encourage you to listen to the DHT the method of persistance and faith is seeing people healed for the glory of the Lord.While David was in USA at his fathers 85th birthday party, our wonderful friend Peter Karp ministered at one of our home meetings. God bless you and be encouraged.

The Lord Jesus is the living word he is the completion of the Law.