Skippy the Kangaroo

Skippy the Kangaroo
meets Curry

Chick Tracks

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Launching of "Real Heart Fellowship" Cambletown

Hello everyone,

The opening of our new seed fellowship was greeted with much anticipation and excitement. The opening day was destined for the 12th by Mile without realizing it was Easter Sunday. That was amazing. Mile and David obedience to the call and direction of the Lord has been the catalyst for this move, there planning and excitement witnessed by there wives. The meeting began with Mile introduction .There was amazing worship and David preached a great Sunday morning message on the Easter Sunday followed by Brett who is lovingly called Bretty Hinn is the result of Mile and David praying for him in a hospital and him being healed of an agressive tumour. I will do an update on this testimony for you soon. Brett testimony was powerful and totally exhalting the name of the Lord. As a result of his healing, Brett accepted Jesus as his personal Saviour. Sunday was the first time I believe he had been in a church.

I understand so much clearer the rejoicing in the heaven's when a sinner repents and choose's life eternal with Jesus.
Godbless you

drop in a visit with us if you are over in Cambletown at 10 am in the morning.