Skippy the Kangaroo

Skippy the Kangaroo
meets Curry

Chick Tracks

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Video of Reverend Curry added to the site

Hi everyone,
Get excited you can click on the video on the site and watch Curry. This is so exciting.
Godbless you

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Bob in Brisbane with a report of what we are doing .......

I found Curry Blake's 'Divine Healing Technicians Training Course' on the website where I go to download testimonies that I copy onto discs and give away.

I had heard of John G. Lake, had been given a little to read and knew him to be one of the healing evangelists that had lived in the earlier part of last century, beond that I knew very little.

As I commenced listening to the DHT course I thought that it would be very easy to find scripture that Curry was using out of context or twisting to make his own points.

I had become (I thought) quite good at picking a scam after 20 odd years since my experience with the Lord Jesus, I had no doubt that Jesus was who He said He was and I thought that I had done well in understanding His word (the bible) and had not allowed myself to be led aside by incorrect and/or deceitful teaching.

I was wrong: about half an hour into the first session I found that Curry was bringing up points and principals that I knew to be right - at that point I had to admit to myself that I had spent most of my christian life - (to say the least) - confused.

Over the years I had prayed for many for deliverance and seen them set free but had not equated that same principal to healing. Since I have commenced praying for people to be healed, using the principals/methods that Curry explains I have been astounded at the results.

The first man had walking trouble, I commanded the pain to leave him and asked him to walk across the room. He did this and then virtualy ran back, thanking me, grabed my hand and shook it. I stood there a bit like - 'bewildered' - I had not even tried.

I have seen the pain that remains after a dose of shingles removed immediatly, pain in my wife's knee removed after she had suffered with it for about 15 years, carpel tunnel pain in a man's wrist went within a week.
When I asked a friend how his knee was (had prayed for it previously) he said "Oh that's fine but my ankle is giving me trouble"

I realise that very often people do not notice that they are actualy healed.

We all notice pain when it is present: but: the absence of pain is just that - the absence of pain.

Remember that Jesus Christ is the same today as He was yesterday and He will be no different tomorrow.


Monday, May 18, 2009

About Curry Blake

Hi everyone, Just wanted to let you know Reverend Curry Blake will not be in Australia this year but exciting things are happening. He will be comencing a bible College this year also there will be held on 24th-27th of June there will be a John G Lake international conference being held in Denver Colarado. For more info please contact me direct.

Our little team in Sydney are praying we will be able to attend this conference. I have included a photo of Curry Preaching in the Italian Church in Sydney 2008.
Real Heart Fellowship which was started approximately 5 weeks ago is powering on. We look forward to sharing more indepth with you soon.
Bob of Brisbane will be adding more testimonies to the page soon
as he and his wife Babara are seeing the Lords blessings as they go forward.
Godbless you

More news!! Bob of Brisbane